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Econs test on price stability: 08/02

Saturday, January 1, 2011
11:13 PM
Its officially the 1st day of the year.. Haha.. Shall complete the posting of my pictures and note down my new yr resolutions in this post..

Me with my dearest girls at vivo city!! This was taken after watching that 'blurgggh' movie.. One of the worst movies I have seen.. Lol! =X

The bbq chicken wings we had at the old airport rd food centre.. It was simply mouth-watering and delicious!! The other dishes available at that particular food centre were delicious too! :D

Other stuff that we tried at the same location.. Old airport rd has really delicious food to die for!! :D Not to mention that we ate quite abit before this as it was a food marathon.. :D

Some x'mas decoration that I spotted at the entrance of the nex while shopping with bingqing!! The Nex had a really extensive space and there are loads of shops.. Not to mention there was a rather huge variety of food available for a food promenade!! :D

Finally, shall end this flow of pictures with my current fav coralline jelly from sentosa!! My current fav desert!! :D

Shall now get on to setting my new yr resolution.. Haha.. Well.. Before setting new yr resolutions for this yr, I shall take a look at my previous one to see how well-abiding I am towards the goals and vows I have set for myself..

Hmm.. Last yr's resolutions were:

1. Shall wrk hard n stop procrastinating! I shud reali stop puttin off my schedule to study for tests until a few daes b4 em.. Full steam ahead for a lvs! Haha.. :D (Lol! Studying last minute still happens! =X )

2. Try to interact more wif my classmates.. Its the las yr we would b together n I jus realised it so hapens every yr dat I sort of neglect mi classmates n spend time with miie peeps from other classes.. =X (Really got closer to them this yr!! haha! :D)

3. Shall start doing miie chem+bio tutorial.. Lol! (Successfully did this too! :D )

4. To pay attention for all lectures n tutorials.. (This wasn't exactly fufilled given that there was a period of time where I would stay up till wee hrs of the morning only to show up at sch the nxt day feeling shagged and all.. =X )

5. To sleep earlier every dae.. Be in bed by 12 the latest..(Well.. The previous comment revealed it all.. =X )

6. Shall stop skippin sch n bein late for sch.. Lol! (Most unachievable.. =X ) - as expected, this didn't quite work out esp when I wanted to study for tests and when I stayed up for late nights.. =X

7. To start afresh n put aside all the feelins dat come wif each obstacle faced in the past yr..(I m not sure I have done this well as new issues begin tugging at my heart even aft I have managed to settle the old ones.. =X )

8. Improve in my piano playing skills.. Practise at least once a wk although I hav stopped..(Hoho! Lack of time to study=no piano time!! =X )

9. To stop buying drinks in sch instead n save the money!(did this successfully given that I only bought drinks occasionally.. Hehe! :D )

10. To try to control miie emotions better.. (Uncertain if I did this well too.. I have managed to put my emotions aside when the need arises, but soon it will come back again with an even higher level of intensity and it means explosion!! Lol! =X )

11. Stop taking cab to sch.. Lol! (this will automatically work out if I m not late for sch.. =X)-Guilty of this too! =X

12. To be more neater n more organized in whatever I do.. (It got worse aft being fed with papers and notes every single day.. So much for trying! =X )

The one's fufilled would be struck off my list.. :D

Hmm.. 3/12 struck of my list.. Not very effective ya?

My resolutions this yr might be a repeat of the previous one, but I won't say its entirely based on it.. Well.. Here goes..

1. Be neater and organized in everything I do.. (It's starting to get on me nerves now that I am beginning to see the importance of it when I am finally working.. =X )

2. Stop using too many short forms in my msn, sms and the sorts.. (Some of my friends found it hard to read the meanings behind these short forms of mine.. =X)

3. Control my addiction towards the com.. This means I must be able to turn off the com when I need to!!

4. Stop being late for appts and stuff.. This has been my habit since eternity and I guess it really needs a great deal of effort and determination to kick it away though it's improving since I started work.. =X

5. Stop procrastinating!! Hopefully I can stop putting off the things to be done till the last minute.. This has always caused me a great deal of unnecessary stress and pressure of 'tight deadlines' and the sorts.. =X

6. This is kinda linked to the previous one.. Stop taking my time to do things even when there is not a need to rush.. (Needless to say, this habit adds on to me having to rush thru stuff at the very last min coz I wasted too much time at the start.. =X )

7. Lose weight!! I have been saying this like since forever but as soon as I lose a couple of kilograms, I get complacent and get into the bad habit of stuffing myself again..T T

8. Linked to the previous point too.. Not only to lose weight, but to get fitter as well.. This would mean having a toned body with a reasonably great deal of strength and stamina too.. :D

9. Control my emotions to the extent where I can not only put it aside when I have too, but also prevent it from becoming too intensive such that it explodes right away.. =X

10. Improve on my oratorical skills.. This does not only mean language skills but also communication skills.. I guess I must learn how to sound persuasive and assertive when the need arises.. =X

11. Finally, to be less impulsive in everything I do.. (I just realised that I have built a bad habit of not thinking before I speak/act recently.. =X )

Finally the end of this post.. Shall now have a good rest now and get all charged for tml's gym session.. Byez! :D

Jellybeans are loved!

Friday, December 31, 2010
11:47 PM
Picture-full post here!! Finally decided to post them to clear the photos not posted before the new year.. Haha..

The colorful drawing on my hand that alicia did for me.. Lol! :D

Our very own creative elasticity theory!! Hehe! :D

Alicia playing the piano.. I taught her.. :D

Me at rp!! was studying and I saw this at the entrance.. Love lyo and merly to bits!! Too bad I dun have stuffed Lyo and Merly!! :(

Another set of graffiti on the table.. For some strange reason I delight in taking pictures of such stuff.. Lol! =X

A $1 note!! Such a rare sight.. Haha..

The Children's Day gift that Ms Lee gave to us.. I like the hello kitty wrapper! :D

That's all for now.. Super tired and sleepy now.. *yawns*

shall go turn in now and continue later on.. Nitez ppl! :D

Jellybeans are loved!

10:44 PM
Being the last post of the yr, I have decided to post something special.. Haha.. So totally different from the usual note that my blog has taken.. Lol! I guess I have gotten into the bad habit of being lazy to update.. haha.. =X

The end of this yr also marks the end of jc life.. Bitter, sweet and sour experiences it may be, but I have also learnt more about myself and the ways of life.. More importantly, strong and solid friendships were also formed throughout my stay in jc.. I would like to thank those that have been constantly supporting me in their various ways especially in J2 when I was overwhelmed by the stress level throughout the yr.. There were many occasions where I was caught up with frustration, despair and discouragement..

However, the support of you guys made me stronger and gave me the courage to face up to the challenge of the big 'A's.. The presence of not being alone in this challenge is really comforting.. :)

There were also times where frustration was driven to my head such that I did not act rationally and such that I could get temperamental at times.. Thanks for putting up with the obnoxious side of me on such occasions.. Hopefully, I did not get on the nerves of you guys at such times and I am really apologetic about it if I did.. =X

Here are the list of people I would like to thank:

Alicia: Thanks for being there for me!! Listening to my hrs of complaining and ranting isn't an easy chore I guess.. =X Anyway thanks for listening to my rants although I can feel that you are bored by it at times.. You are the one who understands me best and really thanks for the care bear and the surprise you planned for me on my birthday.. Love you loads!! :D

Huishan: I may always 'bully' you, but I am really really glad to have a friend like you.. Have not met any soul with a heart as pure as urs!! Continue to stay pure and yes!! Stop ps'ing me!! :P

Pearlyn: We do not see each other as often as we used to, but your messages and all are helpful when I feel discouraged.. It makes me feel protected in an indescribable but yet an intense way.. Dun let the kids there get over your nerves ya? :D

Bingqing: You are always so funny in a weird way but it never fails to bring me amusement.. :D Your shrewd remarks at times are rather funny and it kinda helps to lighten the stressful atmosphere.. You always seem to throw my stress and frustration aside whenever I am with you.. All the best alright? :D

Sheuelee: I can't say how disappointed I was when I realised that you were not placed in my class despite having the same subject combination.. Anyway, its really great to be able to see you often enough since our timetables are roughly the same! Rmb the goal we set for our prelims for straight C's in every subject? It really did well to keep me motivated whenever I felt like throwing my books aside.. Jiayou for maths ok!! :D

Sedrilyn & Yvonne: Both of your appearance into this class made me felt like I was more a part of the class.. (Not that I felt totally out of place in the class though if anyone got me wrong.. =X ) Somehow, the presence of the 2 of you allowed me to have someone in class that I was close with and someone to finally confide in when the stress is really getting to me at times.. That to say, is very comforting.. Not to mention that you guys are really funny at times too! I am finally eating proper meals, if that is good news for the 2 of you.. Jiayou alrights! :D

Dora: You are one of the best people who I can effectively study with.. It's great to have someone who can remind me of my ultimate goal whenever I lose track of it although you only invited me to study with you towards the end of the yr.. Felt really apologetic towards you for rejecting you a couple of times towards the very end though as I had to make use of every of the little time I had left to prepare for 'A's!! Study together in uni again ok? N do not worry too much.. I am sure your hard work will pay off soon and you would be able to do your honours! :D

Fengquan: I enjoyed studying with you despite the fact that sometimes our studying sessions turn into chit-chat sessions.. I am also really grateful to you for being my maths buddy! Thanks for taking time to specially teach me math on top of your busy schedule.. All the best for 'A's and I know you can do it!! Stop saying that you will screw it ok! :D

Xiawei: I really enjoy studying sessions with you with our occasional chit-chatting although it gets really distracting at times.. Its really fun when we have an 'arch enemy' and when we can spend hrs gossiping abt ____________. Anyway, best of luck for your 'A's!! :D

Shyhwei: Enjoyed studying sessions with you too although at times both of us are too caught up with chit-chatting!! You are really funny to listen to at times with your funny theories on certain matters.. Stop gossiping abt ___________ ok? Though it's really funny to hear it at times.. =X All the best for 'A's and I'm sure your hard work will pay off! :)

That's about all I guess.. Shall clear my debt of pictures on the next post as I think they will kinda ruin the entire mood for this post..

On to continue with next post.. Byez for the moment! :D

Jellybeans are loved!

Saturday, December 11, 2010
2:27 PM
This is really amusing.. Not exactly certain if its for real though..


Just a random post for now.. Gonna get back to sending my resumes and stuff..

Jellybeans are loved!

Friday, December 10, 2010
12:35 AM
It's been a long time.. *Sighz*

I have my schedules packed to the brim almost every single day.. Its still bustling with activities, but on a rather different note I guess.. Instead of burying myself in books and notes, I finally have the luxury of time to do stuff that I have always longed to do but was deterred into doing by the burden of the big 'A's..

Anyway, the biggest eaters of my time at the moment are job interviews and meet ups with friends..Not that it was dull or anything, but I am currently too lazy to update in detail now..

Meanwhile, here's the list of to-dos after 'A's that I have drafted for myself..

In order of priority:

1. Get a job (been going through loads of interviews and there were a few job offers but somehow none are suitable for me.. Hmm.. )

2. Meet up with jc peeps!! :D (have done this.. in fact we have met up a few times this week.. :D )

3. N yeah to shed off the bit of fat I gained during the course of 'A' levels!! 1st impression in uni is super impt.. (ok I m not even sure if i can get into a uni anyway.. :( )

4. do my braces!! (finally miie mom arranged an appt for miie after ?? no of reminders? Hehe.. =X )

5. Pack miie messy room!! (its hard to get myself to do it tho.. =.= T T )

6. Meet up with justine and wanling.. (it's been a long time..)

7. take up piano again!! (i quit halfway coz I had bad time management and both my piano skills and academics were compromised as it had been the case in j1 part 1.. =X )

8. I wanna food marathon!!! When do you wanna do it peeps? :D

9. Take up at least 1 tuition job if possible.. Depends on time constraint..

10. Perm/reborn miie hair.. Whatever I do, I am definitely doing something to it.. Haha..

11. Buy lots of new clothes.. (Gonna stuff up my wardrobe for uni but have to get a job 1st..)

12. Take driving if possible.. It kinda sucks that even if I take the theory test like now, I would have to take the practical within 6 months.. So much for time constraint.. =.= T T

Hmm.. That's about all for now.. The list might continue to grow though.. Super overdued photos would be uploaded together with a super long post nxt time.. Will go back to watch miie drama serials now.. Byez~ :D

Jellybeans are loved!

Friday, November 12, 2010
9:55 PM
The 1st week of A's have just came and went like that..Guess it will soon be over in no time..

Had a fair share of up and downs throughout the week but it was a shaky n a bad start..Started off with chem paper 3 and it was really disappointing I must say.. In fact, I was really stunned when I saw the paper.. It was a daunting task even in the process of selecting the qns.. Every qn seemed un-doable..Selected the best choices I had in the end, but it was still a killer nonetheless..

H1's were done with really fast and in a breeze..N I was glad that the parts I focused on for both h1 subjects were tested.. At least the papers did some justice to us given that we had to sit for 3 papers in a dae.. =.=

As for math, paper 1 was rather do-able but I lost a substantial amount of marks due to my carelessness.. On top of it, I lost time that could be used for thinking abt the harder qns with higher marks awarded..Needless to say, I was freaking pissed.. Paper 2 balanced out the whole thing though.. It was really do-able..Hopefully, I wasn't careless in Paper 2 so I could still maintain the grade I was aiming for..

3 more weeks to end of 'A's n it would all be over.. Can't wait!! Off to rest now before I hit the books again tml!

All the best to all taking 'A's!! :D

Jellybeans are loved!

Thursday, November 4, 2010
11:59 PM
I'm really running short of time n really detest myself for having the bad habit of procrastinating.. :( Photos won't be uploaded anytime soon I guess..

'A's in less den 5 days n I m so unprepared..

Feeling so screwed.. =.= T T

Gonna run n burn midnight oil again.. Byez~ Sighz.. T T

Jellybeans are loved!


Joanne :D

Either you make it or you break it..

I like new challenges which are just like running marathons..
That's my dream.. :)



Alicia <33
Miaoqing <33
Pearlyn <33