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Monday, August 30, 2010
Prelims aren't exactly over but I m here coz I m simply in 'study-off' mode now dat I m only left with mcq papers.. =X Not dat I really worked hard when it was time to though.. I guess much more effort was put into studying for my common tests compared to my prelims.. (Really dun feel the drive to study hard when you know you can't finish anyway..)
N yes.. Prelims r really screwed up for almost all the papers except gp.. =.= T T My subject tutors r gonna skin miie for sure as there would b an overwhelming deterioration of my grades.. Sighz~ T T =X I dun have to get back my papers to confirm the fact.. (Well.. The kind of feeling you have when nth comes to mind during the papers says it all.. =X ) Anyway, shall enjoy miself for a short short while b4 I gonna face the music.. Here's some food for thought.. I happened to come across it randomly online.. Anyway, take your pick, I would not comment on it or anything.. Most are quite true though.. Almost 200 things Guys NEED to know about girls. 1. We flirt. If you're mad at us for flirting with another guy, come flirt with us. We like guys with confidence. 2. That doesn't mean tap our shoulders to see if we look the other way, or give us jumper cables every five seconds. We like it when you do, but sometimes it just gets old. 3. We’ll be flirting non-stop.. but at night before we go to bed, we always think of one person only. 4. We get jealous when we see you with another girl. Cause we always want you to ourselves. 5. We ALWAYS wonder why you go for the girls who start drama and make stupid decisions. Or show off their body WAY.TOO.MUCH. 6. If a girl really wanted to impress you, she would… without doing those things. 7. A girl can either be totally open, or totally closed to you. If we are completely closed at first, then end up telling you something so secretive in the long run, that’s the hugest sign of trust, friendship. Where she feels like you are somewhat a part of her life now. 8. We DO cry over boys. It makes us wonder why you picked that hoe instead of us. We’re emotional. 9. We PMS. So to add, it sucks even more. Yes, it’s a good excuse! But it’s just instinct to blame everything on PMS even if we aren’t PMSing. Sorry(: 10. Blaming things on us just sucks. 11. If a girl says, “Let’s be friends,” she really means it. Don’t keep trying to convince her to want you, then when you finally give up, don’t freaking ignore her and get pissed. Grow up, and be friends with her. 12. If a girl doesn't like being called hott, she's different. 13. If you have a good friend thats a girl, & she's never or barely flirty ever, then you know she's just there to be your friend and nothing more. 14. We'd like to be called beautiful for once. I know that’s over the top, but only if you mean it. Or at least pretty, gorgeous, etc. It shows that a guy really cares about a girl & respects her. 15. We LOVE it when guy’s call us cute. Even though it doesn’t seem like it means anything, oh it does. 16. We love it when guys compliment our hair. Or jewelry, clothes. Not saying the “Damn girl you look hott in those jeans,” but the “Your sweater is really nice.” Haha (: It makes us so happy that you notice. But it IS nice to be called sexy ;) 17. Don't slap our butts, unless you’re a close guy friend that we have no problem with. Either way, it’s weird as hell. But if you’re some nasty boy we aren't cool with, that’s DISGUSTING. We’ll think you’re a pedophile. Forever. 18. Don’t stare at our boobs. We can tell. 19. Girls love it when you stare into her eyes when she's talking to you. It makes the girl freak out inside thinking, "Wow, this guy really listens." And it also makes us kinda awkward ;) 20. We go crazy over a guy if he smiles. You guys might go crazy over ours. But we LOVE it when a guy is happy. 21. Cocky guys are a no no. So don't talk about how good you are at something constantly. Just because you made varsity- you're some big shot. We like it when you tell us and are confident in yourself, but too much is enough. 22. If we play with your hair, we either want to flirt with you, or just mess around. 23. Usually when a girl is too scared to say something, we just laugh about it. Or when you do something crazy, all we can do is laugh. 24. If you‘re with your guyfriends, and we’re with you, don’t just talk about sports the WHOLE TIME. Yeah, a lot of girls love sports. But we don’t like hearing an hour long conversation about the game yesterday. You can of course talk about it since you’re with your friends, but just know we’re bored as heck. 25 . If you catch us smiling non-stop at you, we obviously like you as a friend, or even more than that. 26. We slap guys. Or even kick. It just gives us an opportunity to get back at you. 27. If a girl is singing quietly, she's happy, or covering up a thought with something. 28. We gossip. SO WHAT? You do too! 29. When you act like a total dickhead to us with your guyfriends in front of us, screw you. 30. Guys who dress up are a TOTAL turn on. That doesn't mean go all out in Hollister and overly spray yourself with cologne. We love simple. But cute. 31. Hair on guys is so optional for girls. Some girls like chest hair, some mustaches. About 90% of girls really like clean scruff though. Makes the guy look older. 32. NO. A real girl who liked you for who you are wouldn't care if you had a freaking six pack. Or can bench 300 pounds. But that doesn't mean we DON'T love big arms and six packs :) We want a strong guy who can protect us, that’s why. 33. Okay, we look at your butt. But we don't stare! 34. If we like you, or used to like you and tell you, we’re sorry if you get freaked out about it. We wanna tell you how we feel. Of course if we would be put on the spot too, we would be freaked out too. But if you go off telling one of your friends that we’re getting creepy and shit, cause you can GUARANTEE we’ll find out about it. Then we’ll end up hating you and you’ll just look bad. 35. Don’t think you’re always right during an argument. Don’t EVER say you’re NEVER wrong to a girl. Unless you’re joking of course (: We’re not looking for someone who thinks he’s always right. 36. Don’t go flirting with a girl and hold her hands and act like you’re all into her, then go to another girl and do the same thing. DON’T LEAD US ON. Girls get pushed away by a guy who flirts a lot. 37. Girls are like walkie talkies. We hear one thing about you, it spreads. 38. You honestly don’t have to spend 500 bucks on a present for us. It’s not that we don’t like it, but a real girl would like anything that is meaningful. 39. We’re self-conscious. We talk about how we hate our image. Don’t joke around saying, “Oh yeah it’s gross!” even if you’re joking. Rather say nothing at all. 40. At sleepovers, all we DO talk about is boys. We’ve heard that you guys talk about us more than girls, but we kind of find that hard to believe (: And to add, we don’t have pillow fights at sleepovers with our bra and panties on like the movies. We don’t even have pillow fights? Unless it's the PlayBoy mansion. 50. We love when a guy is driving, and we’re in the passenger seat and he sings along to the radio jokingly. It’s cute. 51 . Open the door for us. Let us go ahead of you. Shows us you're a gentlemen. 52. We love it when you whisper in our ears. LOVE it. 53. You’re the guy. You call/text us. “Just because I’m the guy doesn’t mean I ALWAYS have to text the girl!” Well.. that’s debatable, and we know it pisses you guys off when you shouldn’t always being the one to contribute to keeping in contact.. But to win the fight, you DO pick up that phone first. 54. Don’t ask us out over the internet, or text. Do it to our face. We want a guy who will be a man. Oh, and don’t you dare text-message breakup! 55. We love it when guys hold babies, puppies, anything like that. It’s so attractive. 56. If you have a best friend that’s a girl, make sure that you two are JUST FRIENDS. As in you two aren’t ever flirtatious or act like more than that. If it‘s more than that, don’t be surprised if she has wanted to be more than your friend. 57. Be honest with us. Don’t just hide in a shell. Most guys are honest.. but let us get to know you. 58. If we say, “Tell me about yourself.” It doesn’t mean just say, “Idk. Ask.” That’s stupid. 59. Seriously, “I love you,” after a day is pathetic. Don’t you dare say it unless you feel it. As in.. you feel like you’d DIE without us in your life. Your heart feels like it could rip out of your chest. “I love you” has been used too easy these days. Do you love us, or are you “in love,” with us? Big difference. 60 .Only say you love us for the first time in person. Over phone or internet means nothing if it’s the first. Like the “I love youuuuuuu babyy” shit we all see couples do over the internet. Lame. Lame. Lame. Unless you are one of those couples, my bad.. 61, When we say "I'm fine..." we're not. DON’T KEEP PRESSURING US TO TELL YOU WHATS WRONG. If we say something like "No, for serious. I'm really fine.” then usually we mean it. 62. If a girl digs your whole iTunes, she digs you. 63, If a girl is interested in something that means a lot to her, don’t just say, Oh cool.. Actually take interest also, even if you don’t like it. Shows that you actually are trying, or do care. 63. If we say "Nevermind." usually we're thinking about something. Or we mean NEVERMIND. We don't understand how you guys go crazy and keep asking, "No, tell me! Tell me!" (applies to “I’m fine..”) 64. Don’t be so protective. DON’T say that we can’t text a certain guy, or talk to guys. Of course we’re really guarded if you talk to other girls, but if you really trusted us and we trusted you, then it would be fine. I don’t see how relationships could lead to the point where you wouldn’t be able to talk to other people. 65. If your friend is making fun of us, stand up for us. Don’t just stand there and laugh. 66. We hate guys who always whine about things. Why they can't get a girl. The sayings "No one likes me, i hate not having a girlfriend." Uhhh desperate. Obviously you're not going to get a girl being like that. 67. Girls are awkward around the guys that like them. Or we immediately stop talking to that boy because we don't want to lead them on. 68. Don’t ask her friends "Why isn't she talking to me anymore? Blahblah" and shit like that, seriously.... We need time. If she doesn't act awkward around you, and still acts like your friend.. Then you know she's a cool girl who just wants FRIENDSHIP. 69. This is number 69. Heh, heh. Girls ARE immature and perverted like this too. Sorry. 70. Music. It’s one of the biggest parts of everyone’s life. Share your interest in music with her. If you two are compatible, then it’s a possibility you two might be compatible all the way. (music is a huge deal) 71. If she always plays a song when she’s with you, she obviously wants you to know and remember it. As in… she wants it to be.. “Our Song.” 72. Walk her home (: Or drop her off at her house. Walk her to her door. Go for a hug. That’s the best. Unless we just don’t seem interested, don’t. 73. Don't try to makeout with us every five seconds. That's messed. But we loved getting kissed on the forehead. Or the hand for once. 74. We LOVE touching guys' hands and playing with them. The feeling makes us feel sparks running up and down our spines. 75. Don’t cheat on us. You don’t even know how bad you will look. Just if we were to do it to you. 76. NEVER hit a girl. Even if we’re trying to punch you and we say, “Hit me! hit me!” as a joke. It makes us feel like you wouldn’t ever hurt us.. which is nice. But that doesn’t mean you can’t wrestle with us and play like that. Let us win sometimes. 77. We love being tickled, but DON’T keep trying to tickle us constantly. It gets annoying. 78. A girl will always be cautious about your ex-girlfriend. To us, your ex is our enemy. Even if the ex and us are friends. 79. We love it when guys remember our birthday. Don’t ever forget it. If you do, you’re screwed. 80. If you want to hug us, go ahead. You offer first :) We like to see if you are brave enough to hold out your arms. 81. Yes, it’s tough being a guy and thinking you’re doing everything in a relationship. We’re giving you our hearts, so you’re not doing everything. 82. We love it when the guy comes from behind and hugs the girl. 83. Some girls have beliefs in relationships, and don’t like going too fast. Don’t put pressure on us to do things. That’s so low. We’ll leave you. Or try at least. 84. When guys make perverted jokes to each other constantly in public.. we don't know what to say half the time.. 84. If we're cold and ask you for your sweatshirt, then it just shows you mean something to us. If we're cold, suggest! That's the sweetest. 85. A girl who can eat in front of you just shows she's comfortable hanging out with you. 86. It’s nice to be a sensitive guy, but don’t be more sensitive than us. 87. Apologize for something you did wrong. You don’t say sorry, then it’s over. Said sorry over like five times, won't give you a second chance cause you ruined your first, and she still isn't budging? She's playing HARD to get. 88. We like it when guys show off with their friends, but don’t do it too much. We can tell… major. 89. If a girl doesn’t seem interested, LEAVE HER ALONE. 90. If we ask you how we look, don’t respond with “Fine,” or “Its not that bad.” Saying, “You look good,” will make our week. Not day, week. 91. EVERY girl could probably agree that we like it when a guy likes some certain slow song. 92. Please don’t be obsessive. As in, we have to talk every second of the day. Girls love having space. 93. If we’re tired and fall asleep, put a blanket over us. It’s romantic. 94. When you go in for a kiss and we turn the other way to reject it, you know that she isn’t ready for anything yet. 95. Don’t talk to us and tell us what we want to hear. What other girls are you saying this to? Jerk. 96. Keep up conversations! Don’t just be like, “So you pick what we should talk about..” LAME. We get bored. 97. If we’re crying, comfort us. 98. We give guys code names so you don’t know who we’re talking about. Even if we aren’t in sixth grade anymore. 99. If she wants to see a chick flick, go see it with her. She just wants to know that you’d sacrifice to be with her, even if you get embarrassed by your friends that you saw Twilight or something. We don’t give a hoot if you hate it or not. 100. Your size? We don’t care. Whores who don’t want relationships do. 101. If you did nothing with her, DON’T tell your guy friends you did.... seriously.. not cool.. 102. When a girl says she has a lot of guy friends, there's a huge difference between having a lot of guy friends, & half of them she's probably had things with.. Or there's the girl where she actually has guy friends without ever having things with them. 103. When guys talk about sex or anything perverted in front of girls, its a turn-off and really awkward. Especially when guys touch each other.. 104. At the movies or sporting events, you don’t ALWAYS have to pay. Some girls can fend for ourselves. But at least offer EVERY time. It’s awesome. 105. We don’t all act like total princesses. We DO burp, and do those other things. We can eat like pigs. We don’t shave every day. GET OVER IT.(: 106. If you drive us all the time and the girl asks to drive, let her. Don’t talk about how you don’t want your car to be ruined.. oh please. “I hate that stupid old pick-up truck you never let me drive.” 107. If we get hurt, don’t stand there. Help us. Unless we’re laughing about getting hurt, you can laugh too. 108. Girls are fragile. Even if she's strong and could kick your ass, still fragile. 109. Don’t freaking lie. Not even if you say you have to stay home, when you’re actually going to go out with your guy friends. It’s better to tell the truth than lie. 110. We’ll tell you if we’re on our period. Don’t get grossed out. How old are you? 111. We love when you wear your hoodies up. 112. You fucked up. I seem fine with it. I‘m not. 113. Guys who wear nice shoes are a definite turn on. Even if girls say they aren’t. THEY ARE. Basketball players in Jordans? Ah yep.. 114. If we’re together, tell me how you feel about me. At random times. 115. You should never comment on how much a girl eats. 116. [INSERT SOMETHING HERE?] 117. It’s awesome when you guys remember something to the day you met us, or little things. 118. You’re opinionated? Of course everyone is. But don’t be too opinionated. Huge turn off. 119. If we like Jonas, Backstreet Boys, or Justin Bieber stuff like that, and you don’t, don’t say anything. Seriously. You have NO idea how annoying it is to hear guys bash on them & constantly talk about them more than us. Thats NOT cool. You have your Marissa Miller, Taylor Swift, Megan Fox... yeah, shut up. 120. Having a guy remember the anniversary of the relationship shows us you really care. 121. If a girl wants to take a picture with you, let her. Don’t shy out. 122. There are many pretty girls out there… but yours is the prettiest out of them all. 123. Don’t say, “I can’t dance!” Usual dances are just mosh pitting the whole time.. so its okay. 124. We love it when guys come to us for advice. But not constantly… we just get bored and give up. 125. Don’t make bets about us. We’ll find out. 126. Some girls don’t care, but most girls do about this one. When you burp loud or fart in public. That’s disgusting. Yeah you’re a guy, but do you have manners around the ladies? 127. Put the toilet seat back down. DO IT. 128. Baggy pants that hang down past your knees is NOT attractive what so ever. 129. We take long showers… get over it. 130. If a girl talks about how her mascara bled or her makeup is bad when she’s with you, obviously she wants to make herself feel presentable around you. 131. We do love flowers. I don’t know if there’s a girl who doesn’t.. if a girl doesn’t, she really isn’t a girl. 132. Offering her a seat on the couch will get you 1029481902481 plus points. Unless she's completely not interested. 133. We can be late. You can’t take longer than we do. You can’t spend more time on your hair than we do. 134. The first thing most girls notice is the way you act around your friends. Then we notice everything. 135. We love it when guys laugh at our jokes. 136. We love fresh faces. LOVE THEM. Remember to blow your nose before hanging out with us. 137. Let us cuddle next to you and put our heads on your chest. Put your arms around us. We‘ll feel safe and secure. 138. When a guy has some weird or dorky hobby, we love knowing about it. 139. Tell us your fears. 140. Talk and stare at the stars with us. 141. It hurts seeing you have a "thing" with us, then when it's over, you end up already having feelings for another girl so quick. It really hurts. 142. Putting your arm over our shoulders? Hahaha, goofy. 143. When we go into the bathroom, we always bring one or more girls with us. We do business and talk in the bathroom. Talk a lot. 144. Girls can just look at each other and understand what they're trying to say. 145. Guys who can play the guitar and can sing makes our heart melt. 146. Don’t take like fifty pictures of yourself and put it on Facebook/Myspace… 147. If you like reading, we'll find you mysterious. 148. When guys write us notes, you have NO idea how fast our heart beats. It's the cutest thing to write a girl a note even if it says, "Hey, whats up?" 149. Don't get an ear piercing if it doesn't look good on you. Ask for opinions before you get it. 150. If we both have a "thing" and we say we're tired and lay down, in our minds we want you to come snuggle up next to us. Or even dating. 151. Hockey Players: You look gorgeous with your winter hats on and laced sweatshirts. Basketball Players: You look gorgeous with your Jordans and warm ups. Baseball Players: You look gorgeous with your sliding pants and when you chew your sunflower seeds (NOT chew). Football Players: You always look gorgeous. 152. We don't understand how after a game you just played, and we try to congratulate you, you get all pissed because you said you didn't play so good. Then you end up staying mad about the game STILL when we try to talk to you about things. We're here to be with you at least, try to cheer up please.. 153. We love it when you run your hands through our hair. Not where you mess it up like a little pet dog. (We love it when guys try to braid our hair) 154. If a girl compliments your clothing as in, "I like your shirt!" or something like that, don't be weirded out. Take the compliment (: 155. If you catch a girl staring at you for more than five seconds, she's into you or finds you somewhat attractive. That's it. Done. (Unless she's actually glaring at you..) 156. Even if you call us "Fat" as a joke, and we laugh about it, deep inside it kind of stings. 157. Don't be mean to our girlfriends. [If a girl's friends doesn't like you, and you want to date that girl, make them like you. I don't care what you have to do, but if a girl's friends don't like you, that's a deal breaker!] - FB fan, Ryuuto Himari 158. We like guys who get along with our parents or family members. Shows they could be a good father figure in the future. (I'm saying future, not saying you've already planned out your wedding with that person haha) 159. If you're not a rockstar, don't weather leather pants. 160. When in doubt, go with the shirt that matches your eye color. P.S. All guys look absolutely amazing in black. 161. It's cheating as soon as you're doing something with someone that you wouldn't want me to see, hear, lying about hanging out, or read. 162. If we're good friends and you end up getting a new girlfriend, OUR BAD for not existing to you anymore. 163. This might seem harsh to girls, but it's true for guys. If you like this girl, and she says she likes you, but she likes someone else too, leave that girl. Girls always are confused with where our hearts want us to go, and its sad watching the guy go through the pain of having a girl basically having a thing with two guys. (You can't do this girls and you know it's true. I'm sorry.) 164. After a girl goes through a breakup, don't just scramble up to her and expect her to want you. Be there for her, then she'll realize you're the one who's there for her. 165. Dove Chocolate ♥ 166. In a way, we find it funny when guys keep trying to argue with a subject. But when you go over the top, that's unattractive. 167. "Girls are only good for cooking.. and sex." Oh very funny boys. SO FUNNY. 168. Winking to a girl is the cutest thing ever. Unless you're just not that "cool" with the girl, and you do it, it might be creepy...(winky smiley's make everything perverted) 169. Haha 69!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay I'm done I swear (: 170. We do believe every guy just wants to get in our pants. As much as any girl could deny this, it’s true. 171. "You're leaving your guy friends to hang out with me? Instead of playing COD?" (: 172. We know you're somewhat worth it if you'd walk all across town to come see us. 173. When we argue jokingly, don't keep trying to copy us in a higher voice. Or try to act like us. Maybe at first its funny, but when you keep doing it, its annoying and kiddish. 174. [APPLIES TO SCHOOL DANCES] If a girl says she wants to go single to a dance, she either doesn't wanna go with you or she really wants to go single! If she says she wants to go single, then someone asks her and she says yes, sorry, but we either didn't want to lead you on to like like us, or you weren't what we were looking for. We're girls, we don't know what we want. It’s a date to some dance. You'll be grinding on everyone else anyways. Don't be all pissy at that girl cause it just shows you're some little dramatic boy who can't grow up. 175. If a girl comments on your photos or status with a compliment or a jokingly tone, then she is showing interest in you. So take the time to show a little interest in her, & she might like you but be a little shy to talk to you face to face. So the next time you see her, talk to her, "small talk" which may grow to bigger conversations. If it's steady and keeps going she is DEFINITELY into you(: - FB FAN, Rachel Parrish 176. Don’t text us and have amazing conversations… then when it comes to us seeing each other in person, you’re like the most silent person on the planet. Its INSANELY awkward. 177. Don’t be overly touchy… 178. “Hanging out” is not coming over while you’re playing videogames with your friends. Just like if you came over and we had our girl friends over. Oh, and girls hate when you bail to hang with your friends. You'd get pretty pissed too if we did that. - FB FAN, Caitlin Anderson 180. We're not lesbians, we're best friends. 181. Just because she's been single for years doesn't mean she hasn't been looking. Many girls like that just don't want to get hurt in the end, and are trying to find someone mature enough. 182. We hate it when you get mad at us when we tell you that we are a little nervous about you hanging with a common female friend without us. We have every right to be insecure that her charms will be irresistable to you. Its not you we dont trust, its that hoe! - FB FAN, Elizabeth Rose Swanson 183. Not all of us lie to get out of relationships. Not all of us are like that. Not all girls are stuck up. Not all girls are bad, you just have to be careful with the one you become interested in. 184. If she ends up choosing you to be her partner in class, you are considered something to her. 185. If we're dating or have a thing, its adorable when you send us song lyrics to describe how you feel. (Good feelings, of course) 186. Just like in the movie Zombieland.. its absolutely adorable when you push our hair behind our ears. 187. If you and a girl like each other, and she stares into you eyes for five seconds and bites her lip, she wants to kiss you. Its true. 188. If a girl is willing to come over, sit with you and your guy friends just to watch you play COD, she REALLY enjoys hanging out with you. 189. If you're playing your Xbox, in the middle of the game, ask her if she wants to play. Even if you're going nuts with the whole 'girls can't play video games' type deal, she'll probably freak out later to her girlfriends how you offered to let her play. Jellybeans are loved!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
This shall be a photo heavy post as I m trying to clear my debt of photos b4 I start being on hiatus 4 awhile due to the upcoming preliminary examinations..
Photos would be in random order with many taken from the 08A04 outing.. Haha.. Shall let all the photos do the talking now.. N finally with lydia.. Haha.. =X ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Finally done with the class outing photos.. Now for more random photos.. Haha.. Jellybeans are loved!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Just came across this while I was randomly browsing online.. It's freaking funny n entertaining ttm! Lol! :D
1. Never raise your hands to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected. 2. I'm not into working out. My philosophy is no pain, no pain. 3. I'm in shape. Round is a shape. 4. I'm desperately trying to figure out why Kamikaze pilots wore helmets. 5. Do you think illiterate people get the full affect of alphabet soup? 6. I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific. 7. Ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you, but when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window? 8. Ever notice that anyone going slower than you is an idiot, but anyone going faster than you is a maniac? 9. You have to stay in shape. My mother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 now and we have no idea where she is. 10. I have six locks on my door, all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three of them. 11. One out of every three Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of two of your best friends. If they are OK, then it must be you. 12. They show you how detergent takes out bloodstains. I think if you've got a tee shirt with bloodstains all over it, maybe your laundry isn't your biggest problem. 13. Ask people why they have deer heads on their walls and they tell you it's because they're such beautiful animals. I think my wife is beautiful, but I only have photographs of her on the walls. 14. A lady came up to me on the street, pointed at my suede jacket and said, "Don't you know a cow was murdered for that jacket?" I said, "I didn't know there were any witnesses. Now I'll have to kill you too." 15. Future historians will be able to study at the Jimmy Carter Library, the Gerald Ford Library, the Ronald Reagan Library, and the Bill Clinton Adult Bookstore. Will do a decent post soon.. One with photos n all.. Anyway at the moment, enjoy!! :D Jellybeans are loved!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Another wk has jus past n I can't believe it's aug now! N dat actually means another mth closer to a lvs.. N I m so not in the studying mood at this point of time.. Great.. :(
Its really sucks ttm dat we are only left with just a few daes of study break with lil/no time left to do revision as we r scrambling frantically to complete work assigned by our teachers! Like seriously! How can we even study when we can't even complete the large mountain pile of work thrown at us daily? N homework is not the equivalent of revision!! What good can come out from just doing homework without much time for revision? I seriously wonder how can anyone have the mood to study after being thrown a whole pile of work to be done at record time almost every day.. I really need a study break to get into the mood of studying.. :( I bet I would do badly for prelims with this damn system.. N I m not the only one ranting about this ya? :( Life still sucks ttm!! =.= T T Jellybeans are loved! |