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Econs test on price stability: 08/02

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
11:26 PM
26 Oct 2009, Mon

Yesterdae was moderation dae.. Had tis urge not 2 come 2 sch as it would b reali boring with all the sports activities since I m not involved in em.. N moreover, I dun take 2 watching the games under the hot blazing sun.. =.=

N on top of all dat, I was late too..Shucks! =X (ok.. Huishan u win.. on the bet dat I will b late 4 sch at least 3 times a wk.. The past wk has alrdy proven u rite.. Lol! =X)

However, bein the veri good student n fren I m, I dragged miself out of bed n 2 sch.. Unwillingly.. =X Can't risk it jus in case I fall into the category of students who r conditionally promoted n I nid the trs 2 bak miie up.. =X I mean, it isn't a good idea 2 get urself in the bad bks of any tr, if u hapen 2 nid all the assistance u can get frm em.. =X Jus in case.. Moreover, I hav alrdy arranged 2 mit wif alicia 2 offer any hlp she needed in her math.. =X

Told the clax rep 2 mrk miie attendance since al of us would b scattered all ard the sch premises as thr is high lv of activity dat dae.. Haha! Bt the ting was, I didn't attend any of the single activities at al! So almost no1 knew I came 2 sch yesterdae.. Lol! =X

Met up wif alicia as arranged in the library.. N I was seriously distracted.. Despite the fact dat I had miie undone pile of hmwrk wif miie, I couldn't get miself 2 sit down n do em.. Was distracted by playin games on miie phone, playing uno wif huishan while alicia was doin sum qns on her maths.. =X

Alicia joined us later on n we played jenga 2gether too.. Apparently she got distracted by us n I would hav 2 sae dat miie n huishan were -ve influences.. Lol! =X Real sry 4 distractin u jus coz we dun hav the mood 2 study.. =X We ended chit-chatting half the time n got 2 noe more abt each other as the game has tis component wich required us to ans truthfully 2 a qn posed 2 us..N huishan! U r the one who didn't share much! :( Lol! Anyway, it was fun, bt reali sry once again 4 distracting u alicia! =X

She den got bak 2 do her maths qn later on while I continued wif the games on miie phone, pausing several times 2 hlp her.. Apparently, I didn't do a single ting 4 the whole dae tho I tried 4 lyk 1 hr in the mornin aft she left 4 consultation.. =X

It was nearing 5pm wen the librarian asked us 2 pack off n leave the library.. N huishan chose 2 leave the library 4 a lil while at dat particular time.. =.= Had 2 carry her bag 4 her all the way 2 the concourse ware she asked 2 mit us.. T T Fortunately, it wasn't heavy.. Or I'll personally skin u, chop u, mince u, cook u n dismember u ok! Lol! :P

Continued wif hlping alicia in her maths until abt 6 b4 we went home.. Kevin joined us later.. N yeah.. Something reali interesting happened on the bus on the way 2 jp.. =X

We were lyk debating abt foreigners who come 2 our sch 2 study, come 2 sg 2 wrk n etc.. It was a rather heated arguement abt the advantages n disadvantages of such a situation.. N we didn't pay attention 2 whoever who may be listening behind us.. =X

Den I suddenly decided 2 turn bak n I saw a lady who lks lyk she's frm china.. N apparently she wasn't 2 happiie abt wat we were discussing/debating.. Uh oh~ =X

Warned miie frens abt it in discreet manner, n we were lyk super quiet 4 the rest of the journey.. Lol! =X

N on a random note, thanks 2 kevin who accompanied 2 walk ard jp 4 awhile 2 lk at random stuff! :)

27 Oct 2009, Tues

Showed up 4 sch real early 2dae.. A total contrast frm the time I showed up yesterdae! Lol! =X N surprisingly, I wasn't the least bit tired at all.. :)

Hmm.. I would sae its rather hard 2 face the fact dat thr may b a chance dat not al of us will b able 2 study, attend lects, attend tutorials n chill out during breaks 2gether nxt yr.. It suddenly dawned upon miie dat I would miss sum of miie claxmates loads.. Sighz.. I guess dat's miie.. I m the kind of person who only learns 2 treasure something only aft I lose it.. =X I shud hav spent more time wif the clax tis yr.. Guess old habits die hard such dat history would b repeatin itself.. :(

But I really hope, dat we can promote together as a clax ya? No matter hw minute the chance might be.. =X

Anyway, on a lighter note, met kevin, zhiwei n yisheng aft sch coincidentally n stopped 2 chat 4 awhile.. I hav 2 admit, dat gossipin is reali fun at times tho.. =X Its reali so entertainin n hilarious 2 hear abt the different ppl dat we noe.. Ok.. Details kept b'hind closed doors.. :D

Shall end off here abruptly.. N I desperately wan a new wallet! :(

Jellybeans are loved!

Sunday, October 25, 2009
9:19 PM
Happiie b-dae dad! <3

Jellybeans are loved!

Saturday, October 24, 2009
10:19 PM
This guy's totally amazing I swear! He does pieces by ear n it sounds so polished too! :)

I super lurve the one he did for the song 'fireflies'! The effects were really cool n dazzling! I so want to learn it too! :))

Until then peeps! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

7:30 PM
Yesterdae was a veri long dae.. Not long in terms of hrs, but rather, I shud sae dat it involves such high activity lvs dat it got mi as worn out as a dae dat has long hrs.. =.=

There were totally no breaks dat dae since we brought our chem lesson 4ward 2 the slot ware we originally had pc lesson.. N the initial chem lesson at 1pm was replaced by econs.. T T =X

N on top of dat, I had 2 rush thru the procedure 4 the application of h3 econs.. Got me really worn out.. =X Was photocopying the required docs in the library b4 waitin 4 huishan 2 come.. N wen she did, she was totally at a loss of wat 2 do.. So bein the usual nice n kind person I m, I decided 2 guide her on wat documents she is 2 prepare.. Was walkin all over the place looking 4 her tr 1st.. Den aft such a hard time locating him, we had 2 lk 4 mr tan as well.. It wasn't dat hard compared to looking 4 her tr tho.. However, we stil had walk ard quite a bit.. =.=

Goodness took lyk as long as 2 hrs 2 get everyting settled.. Damn irritating.. =X

N on a random note, this video regarding ris low n this comedy abt women being thinkers, were both showed during gp lesson while we were covering 'pop culture'.. Its so entertaining n hilarious! :)

Enjoy! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

Thursday, October 22, 2009
10:55 PM
Busy printin econs stuff now.. Shall type a short post while waitin 4 the printer 2 start.. Lol.. I hav decided 2 apply 4 h3 econs.. Wanted h3 maths intially, bt apparently, dey selected ppl instead of askin us 2 apply on our own.. Shrugz.. So ended up decidin 2 do h3 econs instead.. Dun tink I will hav a veri high chance of bein accepted tho.. =X Bt not harm tryin I guess? Haha.. :)

Was again late 4 sch 2dae.. =X I seriously can't seem 2 get miself 2 sleep earli.. Its lyk I hav not enuf time 2 do everyting I wan 2 do altho the promos r long over.. Oh well.. So much for good time management as stated in the h3 application forms under the qualities a h3 student shud hav.. Sighz..

I noe I m veri incoherent here, toking wif no sense of head or tail bt bear wif miie a lil while as I nid sumtin 2 kip miie occupied while the printer prints out those documents..

I guess its all printed out now.. Gone! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
11:11 PM
Damn! I can't wait 4 holidaes 2 start! The perk in miie energy lv dat it brings, simply discussin abt the hol plans! :D

Hav decided 2 start learnin the guitar n master it.. N thanks 2 miie dad who bought the guitar pick 4 miie as a surprise! Was reali happiie n surprised when I saw it in miie rm when I came home.. :) Had the 1st lesson 2dae wif miie bro too.. N it reali got miie fingers stiff n aching.. 2 tink I m supposed 2 hav flexible fingers since I play the piano.. =X I guess guitar is the instrument dat reali puts the agility of ur fingers to test..

N here is a rough overview of tings i wan 2 do in the hols.. May be subjected 2 change.. Haha..

1. Go on food tour wif mom.. Try the different types of food dat r known 4 bein mouth-wateringly delicious.. =X

2. Go on 9km walk wif bro (Frm west coast to somewhere in telok blangah I tink??)

3. Go on shopping marathon.. Whole of orchard+ plaza sing.. =X

4. Go to bugis!!! :D

5. Go to k-box!!

6. Shop 4 prom clothes..

7. Do our CIP duties for the standard charted marathon on the 6th dec.. (Hopefully we get selected.. :) Its lyk the coolest project! It comes wif vouchers, n cash too!)

Man! I swear dat tis comin hols would b super excitin wif sumtin new 2 do n explore.. Esp the 1st 2..

N shall sign off here on a light note! :D

P.S N dad's b-dae is comin in less den a wk n I stil didn't prepare anyting.. Damn guilty! =X Mayb I shud start buyin the ingredients 4 the kiwi jelly dat I m plannin 2 make.. :)

Jellybeans are loved!

11:58 AM
In the sch's com lab now.. N I m stuck here 4 another lyk 1.5 to 2 hrs or so waitin 4 huishan now dat gp is replaced wif pw n we hav a pw slot rite b4 it.. =.= T T

Was late 4 sch 2dae again.. Sneaked in as j2.. Anyway, i bet I would not hav 2 resort 2 this anymore nxt yr wif the likely change in the sch rules.. Haha.. :P N tis so reminds miie of wat happened las wk wen I was late wif huishan n xiaowei.. =X Shall not elaborate anymore here as it is 2 long a story 2 tell n its damn complicated.. Let's jus sae we managed to go into sch w/o havin any serious consequence bein weighed upon us.. =X

N currently, I m watching lovers in paris to occupy miself while I wait 4 time 2 pass.. N it loads damn slowly.. Sighz.. T T

I tink it shud hav loaded by now.. Ciao! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
10:49 PM
Finally here 2 do a proper post.. Shall rite wat I hav been doin in the pas week in pt form since thr is simply 2 much 2 elaborate on.. =X

-Got bak chinese results wich was damn sucky.. =X

-Got bak econs wich was generally ok, wif essay doin well bt case study bein horrendous..

-Got bak maths paper wif a big fat ugly 'D'.. ( I noe I shud b thankful I was the luki few who passed bt sumhow I m not.. =X)

-Got bak bio paper.. (Oh my! Totally flunked lyk nobody's business.. =X)

-Watched mad abt english in gp (Openin was super retarded bt funi..)

-Watched the ugly truth in gp (Wouldn't sae I lyk the movie.. =X Seriously overrated.. )

-Did the seab test wich pissed miie off.. (Urggh! So much trouble 2 go thru wen result would probably hav no change)

-Got into sum trouble 4 not comin 2 sch on post-exam activities dae.. =.= (Tot the period of trouble was long gone coz the others were scolded on fri, wen I didn't come.. Had 2 submit photocopy of mc 2 mr koh.. =X)

-Went to holland dr to eat chicken rice n try the prata wif huishan..

-Went to west coast to try the famous cheese prata.. (Not all dat fantastic tho.. =X)

Ok.. Dat's all 4 abt the summary since parts of wat happened were actuali elaborated on in the past few posts.. As 4 the rest, a summary is enuf 2 wrapped up the events of the wk..

N now b prepared 4 picture heavy posts!

Note: Photos may not b in chronological order..

Miie in the ion toilet.. The mirrors r so classy! :)
Even the signs r unique n totally dazzling! :D
It took miie 3 shots 2 get tis.. Ppl jus kip walkin in n out.. =.= So appreciate ok! The cubicles of the toilets r also damn artistic I tink.. :)
The signs of the toilet.. The whole architecture of the toilets r so well-designed! N damn miie fren, hu dared miie 2 pose in front of the guy's toilet sign n take a picture.. =X
The very classic-looking door which directs us on where the toilets r! N damn the ppl who walked pass when I wanted to take this.. Had 2 take, take n retake again.. =.=
Even the elevators were well-designed too! :D
Some decor of ion! Nice n bluee! :D
Sum exterior decor outside the ion! :)
Another.. Not so well taken tho.. =X
N thr's more! :D
I lyk the water fountain! :D
The delicious sausage prata dat miie n huishan had at holland dr.. Its a must try! :)
The almost-gone savagely eaten tissue prata.. Almost 4got to take a picture of it.. =X N hmm.. 4gotten 2 take a picture of dat mouth-watering chicken rice.. =X
Miie savouring miie prata.. :D
The cheese prata at west coast.. Its seriously overrated I tink.. =X

Dat's abt all.. A long picture-heavy post.. So I guess it gives miie the credit not 2 update anytime soon since miie life is gettin mundane anyway.. Haha.. Shall sign off now n nitez ppl! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

1:33 AM
I dunno wat I m doing here now dat I changed miie myn n decided not 2 update 2dae.. Lol! Super fickle minded ya? =X

I was busi uploadin pictures frm miie phone into the com n re-organizing old pictures n look at the time now.. I probably will end up panda-eyed a few hrs later, if i were 2 continue wif miie update.. Promise dat I will upload the pictures frm the recent trips nxt time.. Lol! =X

N on a random note, I suddenli tot abt the 'mad abt english' movie dat ms jessica showed our clax las wk.. Super retarded, bt funi n entertainin at the same time.. Esp the 1st scene of the movie wich started wif the chinese in china rapping abt sum random cheer abt their country in english.. Super funi n retarded to the max man! N ya.. No offense meant 2 anybodi here.. =X

Shall go off 2 sleep now.. B4 I reali b'come panda-eyed tml.. Nitez! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

Saturday, October 17, 2009
3:53 PM
Went 2 west coast 2 eat the famous cheese prata wif huishan yesterdae.. Lol!It wasn't totally not up 2 our expectations.. Haha.. Would sae it is not all fantastic n heavenly lyk mani claim it 2 b.. The one at jw library is way nicer I would hav 2 sae.. =X

Den went home n rested 4 a lil while, b4 goin 4 an evenin jog wif miie bro 2 burn the extra calories.. Lol! Extreme guilt 4 eatin so much tis week.. =X

N yesterdae was the j2's las wk wif us in sch alrdy.. The canteen may b less crowded, it will b more convenient n everytin bt I guess I will stil miss the j2's.. :( The memoriies wif miie claxmates wich I didn't reali treasure las yr.. N oso I will miss the food gang n miie peeps 2! :( The memoriies dat we hav foolin ard, the outings aft sch, n chattin 4 hrs on end las yr..

Bt I guess evri1 has their own life 2 lead n all of us hav 2 move on wif our path in life ya? Farewells r owaes inevitable.. So to all j2's I noe, wish u the veri best of luk in ur 'A's n nv giv up ya? Lol! :)

Anyway, on a lighter note, I reali find the chipmunks reali cute! A few videos here on sum songs in the chipmunk version..

Body Language

N here's Insomnia.. :D

N finally, You're be in my heart by Phil Colins.. Yes.. Dey can do slow songs too! :D

Lol! Thr r a lot more of these videos dat I lyk but I shall not post all of em here or it will clog up the server.. Haha.. N do turn up the volume as it is kinda soft.. Enjoy! :D

Jellybeans are loved!

Thursday, October 15, 2009
9:12 PM
Urgggh! *Burps*








I m reali bloated frm eatin 2 helpings of miie mom's delicious pasta.. Stil full despite finishin the meal slightly more den an hr ago.. Not 2 mention I got a lil stomachache frm eatin 2 much.. =X Shud reali start cuttin down on miie food intake lately.. Been eatin far 2 much tis few wks.. Its not giving any benefit 2 miie diet if I continue tis way.. N stil plannin 2 eat the famous west coast prata wif huishan tml too.. =X

All our promo results r out.. Most of the grades were kinda expected, except 4 a few subjects wich gave miie both a pleasant surprise n a blot out of the blue.. =X Below r the results 4 promos alone.. Reali sucky compared 2 wat I scored in miie 60% ca..

Chem: S
Maths: D
Econs: C

Bio: U

Shud hav jus spread miie effort out evenly on al miie subjects instead of ignorin the better ones n focusing onli on the weaker ones.. =X I guess I m reali bad at planning all kinds of stuff.. :( At least miie promo grades didn't reali affect miie overall grades dat significantly, onli 4 certain subjects.. =X

I guess I will b gettin the followin 4 miie overall.. =X

Chem: S (stil an S since i hav been constantly scorin an 'S' throughout.. =X)
Maths: B (Its a high C not countin the AP marks.. So shud b able 2 hit B.. =X)
Econs: B (Confirmed B since the tr calculated everyting 4 us..)

GP: B (I guess..Since 60% was ard 'B'.. =X)
Chinese: C/D? (I tink i got ard C/D for 60% too... =X)
Bio: S? (Since miie U was a high U in the promos n it onli took 40%)

Super dismal n disappointin results I noe.. Shud hav planned miie time better 2 studi on all subjects instead of studyin onli chem/bio.. =X

Anyways, we shud take evri failure as a lesson learnt.. I shud serve it as reminder 2 wrk harder n plan better nxt yr.. =X

N on a random note, I promise a picture-heavy post soon! Haha! Toodles! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
11:21 PM
Sum kids r reali naive n gullible to the extent it is reali jaw-dropping n hilarious.. Do take a look at this! It reali got miie luffin lyk craziie.. =X

Anyways, went 2 visit holland drive wif huishan 2dae.. N I swear dat sum of its food thr r reali delicious! Recommended ones r roti prata n chicken rice.. Yes.. I m stil bent on eatin the cheese prata I craved 4 despite eatin prata 2dae.. =X

Thanks 2 huishan 4 accompanyin miie throughout.. Had 2 practically drag her along tho.. N sry abt dat.. Was reali in bad shape n bloody pissed abt doin sum extra chinese test dat is conducted by the seab.. Well.. U noe.. Doin chinese is bad enuf 4 miie.. Not 2 mention dat I get pissed wif havin 2 do all these shit stuff as a result of retakin it, noein' miie result would probably hav no difference.. =.=

Lots of events happened tis few daes.. Will hav 2 post abt em later tis week instead since its gonna b super long n I dun fel lyk postin a super long post now.. =X

Which means to say..

Pictures would b uploaded nxt time.. Would b able 2 elaborate more on the trip 2dae den.. Haha..

N yeah.. B4 i go, another freakin hilarious video I jus saw.. The parody of ris low! By PCK! Its seriously more entertainin 2 watch n much funnier den the actual ris low interview.. Yeah.. Been youtub'ing alot lately.. Haha..

Ok.. I admit its rather mean to be laughin' at her bt I seriously can't hlp it.. Lol! =X Anyway, shall b off 2 do more you'tubing now.. Haha.. Ciao! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

1:01 AM
Jus got bak all promo results, leavin b'hind onli bio, wich we will get bak tml.. Ok.. I m so laziie 2 update now, so expect a reali short post here.. I dunno y I hav been so laziie 2 update lately either.. =X Will update more soon I promise! :)

I m lyk craving for roti prata in the middle of the nite suddenli.. Jus 2 fill miie ravenous appetite.. Oh wateva.. Been cravin 4 all sorts of food nowadaes n been eatin lyk nobody's business.. Shud reali stop if I 1 to shed even more weight.. =X

I dun even noe wat I m typing here.. Sry abt bein incoherent n random.. A hungry person is oso a random person.. Haha! Mayb shall mit sum frens 2 satisfy miie craving tml..

Ending off here randomly! Bye! :)

P.S Shall post sumtin coherent n decent soon.. :)

Jellybeans are loved!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
9:06 PM
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml
I dun wan 2 go 2 sch tml

Urgggh! I reali do not wan 2 go 2 sch tml! Bak 2 lessons in a flash.. Damn! Y can't we jus bloody hav longer breaks.. N tis yr's holidae is starting later.. I bet it ends the same as las yr's tho..Shucks! :(

I also can't bring miself 2 face the fact n reality of miie performance in certain subjects lyk bio n chem.. Everyting starts getting hectic the moment it seems lyk everyting is in place.. Geez! :(

Jellybeans are loved!

Thursday, October 8, 2009
9:43 PM
Despite self-declared holidae, I m stil 2 laziie 2 update abt ion orchard..I m simply too caught up n too preoccupied wif jap anime I guess.. The latest craze 4 miie.. Its simply unbelievable dat certain jap animes r reali interesting 2 watch too! :) Totally spent hrs watching it counting from yesterdae, wen I was stuck at sch coz I was late n got hooked! At least it reali hlp'ed 2 kill boredom dat I was facin.. :)

Shall b off 2 watch more now.. Have been spamming since I was awake at abt 10 this mornin.. =X N yepps.. Didn't go 2 sch 2dae n not planning 2 go tml coz I m simply sick of the mani tings dat happened in sch yesterdae.. =X I shud b guilty I noe, bt its long since I skipped sch.. =X

Enuf said, I shall go enjoy miie anime now! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
11:27 PM
Had a reali sucky dae at sch 2dae.. Loads of shitty stuff happened.. Sighz.. Jus dun fel lyk elaborating more abt it..

Anyways, thanks 2 all hu made 2dae a lil more bearable.. Thanks 4 accompanyin miie wich hlp'ed 2 reduce miie boredom by a lil..

Shall update abt ion nxt time since I m not in the mood now.. :(

Jellybeans are loved!

12:00 AM
Went 2 ion 2dae..ate loads of stuff n took lots of pix..lol!bt shall nt update on the trip n post the photos now simply coz i m 2 lazi n dun hav e mood 2 do so..

Do check bak 4 updates tho..wil update soon dependin on mi mood..Ciao! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

Monday, October 5, 2009
9:33 PM
3 cheers n 3 cheers 2 end of promos! Yippee! Free aft wks of hard wrk 2 do all sorts of tings under the sun dat I hav owaes wanted 2 do.. Time 2 shop n shop n shop, time 2 say hello 2 the late nites of watching drama serials, time 2 touch bak on miie regular exercise regime, time 2 explore different places in sg I hav yet 2 go n most imptly, time 2 throw the bks aside n bid farewell to the 'fren' I hav made tis few wks called 'stress'.. :)

Wanted 2 mit up wif sum ppl 2dae 2 celebrate, bt unfortunately dey were not available..Esp miie long time buddy frm pri sch wich I hav not met up 4 for ages..Nxt time ok! N do rmb 2 intro miie sum of ur 'desirable' buddies! :P (Ok.. Onli the 2 of us would noe wat it means...)

Anyway, initial plan was 2 play the grand piano at lt5 b4 headin off 4 shoppin at jp alone.. =X It sounds weird dat I wan 2 play the piano in sch wen I hav one at home, bt dat is bcoz nth beats the veri pitch n graceful melody dat a grand piano produces.. Haha..

Luckily, I met bingqing n pearlyn jus as I was abt 2 head off 2 lt5.. Catched up loads wif em.. N haha! Jus heard frm em dat the pig jus got his/her deserts! I bet now he/she finally noes hw it feels 2 b criticised n luffed at.. Except dat his/her case I would hav 2 sae, the audience was magnified by mani times.. Imagine a whole grp of close 2 50 ppl luffin at u.. Haha.. His/her deserts r definitely 10 times 'better'.. =X

Chatted until the rain slowed 2 drizzle n bingqing decided 2 acc miie 2 shop at jp n eat miie veri long awaited cheese prata.. :) Thanks! :) Walked ard jp 4 awhile n I hav 2 say many things catch miie eye.. Haha.. Time 2 start saving 4 shopping now..

Headed off 2 jp library 2 eat miie cheese prata at the cafe n mit alicia hu was studyin thr.. That cafe seriously sells heavenly pratas man! I want to try the tissue one nxt time! :)

I also finally got the wireless connection on miie phone wrking wif the hlp of bingqing.. It owaes fails 2 wrk in the library.. :( Anyway, used miie phone 2 occupy miself wif fb n the lyks of it as bingqing n alicia studied a lil.. Dey studied 4 awhile n alicia left 4 home while miie n bingqing went bak 2 jp 2 lk 4 a suitable phone 4 her.. Bingqing was considering miie model.. Lol! Miie phone will no longer b unique anymore bt its fine as long as she's happiie wif it.. :) In the end, she didn't buy it or any other phones..

Finally took 172 home.. Shall stop here 4 now..

P.S. I can't wait for tml's ion orchard outing!!! :)

P.P.S. Shall go bak 2 song browsing n drama serial watching now! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

Saturday, October 3, 2009
8:17 PM
Random, bt I reali hate MCP's to the core! Who says men r the more superior gender of all? Grr! :(

Jellybeans are loved!

Friday, October 2, 2009
10:15 PM
Finally have the luxury of time to do a proper post.. Studied at jw library 2dae n I muz sae it was rather productive.. Bt stil, I hate chem bonding! Urggh! :( N we saw dat pervert at the library again.. Its rather funi dat we kip seein him almost everytime we visit the library.. Apparently sum perverts lurve 2 hang out at the library 2.. =X Well.. At least we weren't his target.. Haha.. =X

Went 4 a jog later wif alicia 2 shed off the extra blubber.. Haben reali been practisin miie exercise regime eva since promos started.. =.= I hope I dun get fat n let history repeat itself in the case of o lvs again.. =.=

Anyways, shall start updating from mon to thurs now.. U can skip it if u hate long winded posts.. =X

28th Sept 2009, Mon

Had chinese promos dat dae.. Was reali tempted to skip it since:

1. It does not hlp in terms of promotion

2. No offense 2 chinese lurvers, bt chinese reali sucks to the core! =X

3. A bloody waste of time 4 miie to wake up early n sit 4 it wen I can study 4 oter subjects wich I m weaker at..

4. Jus didn't feel lyk sittin 4 it since a lvs was den the actual thing

5. Lastly but most imptly, I REGRET CHOOSING TO RETAKE CHINESE! Reason? Obvious enuf I guess.. =X Jus hav a feelin I would not do well, if not worse den las yr.. =.= =X
A total waste of time.. :(

Anywayys, told miself I shouldn't skip it n literally had 2 drag miself 2 sch.. At least thr would b sum form of practise b4 I do the real ting.. Not dat it would b much of a hlp anywayys, bt stil, better den sittin on the fence n doin nth..

Surprisingly, I felt dat the paper was easier den the a lv paper las yr.. Wen I had no practise or watsoeva at all.. Even wen I seldom speak in chinese anymore.. Mayb thr is jus a glimmer of hope.. Haha.. :P

As usual, went 2 studi wif miie peeps aft dat at jw library.. N guess wat? Even outside of sch, I get 2 c both of miie eye candies.. Haha.. Super lucky can! N both were sitting ard miie vicinity.. :)

29th Sept 2009, Tues

Went to jw library again earli in the morning wif huishan b4 reporting 2 sch 4 our papers.. N sumhow I got this nasty cut on miie thumb as I was tryin dig deep into miie bag.. =.=

I couldn't reali stop the bleeding.. Lack of protein I guess.. Hav not been eating much meat thanks 2 miie diet lately.. =X

It took a well slightly more den 5 mins 2 stop the bleeding.. N I hav 2 sae dat sum ppl r reali nice.. One of the cleaners apparently noticed miie plight n he handed miie sum plasters.. Sum strangers r alot nicer den ppl we noe at times I would hav 2 sae.. :)

Anywayys, continued wif studying until abt 11 ware we left 4 sch 2 find dora 2 pay the remaining sum of money 4 our prom tickets.. Went off 2 continue studying aft dat bt nth could get into miie head.. N the both bio paper 1+2 are killers.. 2 tink ms lee said it was ez if we studied.. =.= N I did put in miie utmost effort 4 it.. I mean, who in the right frame of myn would mug 4 bio lyk 2 wks b4? Urggh! Needless 2 sae miie effort was wasted.. I m 100% certain I won't make the grade.. =X Shud hav jus focused on chem instead since I m weak at both subjects.. =X

Went 2 mit alicia, yiher, dora, n pearlyn 2 studi 2gether again.. Bt ended up chit chatting most of the time since I jus finished bio n was all groggy n not in the mood 2 studi.. N thanks 2 yiher 4 teaching miie chem! It seems a lil easier now.. :)

30th Sept 2009, Wed

Maths 2dae.. It was a 3hr paper n halfway thru it I was super drained alrdy.. Couldn't really tink.. N didn't reali put in alot of effort into doin the paper as well as in revision the nite b4 since I didn't nid 2 pass tis promo in order 2 achieve a pass 4 maths overall.. Reali pity huishan in this case.. She was lyk onli half a mrk awae frm pes 4 her maths as she scored a 'B' in the block test.. Bt stil, reali awesome grades ya! 2 tink she can 'self-exempt' herself 4 the paper tho the sch didn't exempt her.. Lol! I wouldn't even sit 4 the paper if I were her.. =X

The paper was rather tough in the sense dat it is tricky and the tr created ample rm 4 us 2 mk loads of careless mistakes.. Moreover, sum qns were not direct n I had 2 twist n tink b4 I could come up wif a solution.. N I m not certain of miie own accuracy in miie flow of tot.. Sighz.. I guess tis doesn't reali matter since I would stil pass even if I failed tis promo anyway.. =X

Tried 2 studi abit of chem aft dat altho econs paper was tml bt 2 no avail.. Strange I noe, bt miie econs isn't dat bad n I could oso fail the promos n pass it overall.. =X

Well.. I guess no1, not even a supergenius can absorb anymore content wif onli 2 hrs of sleep the nite b4 n a 3hr straight paper the nxt dae.. =X Ended up walkin ard evri few mins.. Gave up n home'd earli.. =X

1st October 2009, Wed

Econs paper as well as bingqing's b-dae 2dae.. I reali hav 2 say, I feel like screwing miself upside down aft attempting the essay part of the paper.. Well.. The paper was divided into 2 parts wif case study occupying the 1st half, followed by a short break while we continued wif the essay part of the paper.. I daresay dat 4 the 1st time in history, miie case study would score better den miie essay.. N I won't b surprised if I failed the essay component, or even the whole paper.. =.=

I noe I would stil pass even if I failed the promos 4 econs, bt sumhow thr is this expectation of ourselves thr.. Even if we didn't put in our utmost effort, surely the basic theories shud hav been used.. N yet I missed em out.. Like seriously.. =.=

Went 2 studi abit of chem later bt was simply 2 distracted by huishan, hu wasn't in a mood 2 studi rite aft the econs paper 4 her geog wich she oso did tremendously well 4.. =X Gave up n went to sit ard at kfc waitin 4 alicia, bingqing n pearlyn 2 celebrate bingqing's b-dae.. N all tis while, huishan was super self-conscious abt reservin seats n was imaginin abt different n weird possibilities dat may come wif it.. Lol! =X Bt sumhow, we were both more productive at kfc den in sum random claxroom bak in sch.. =.=

Crapped n reminiscing abt the good times we had last yr wif the rest of the gals.. It feels reali great 2 catch up on each others lives aft not mittin 4 quite a long time wif sum of em.. Anywayys, once agin 2 bingqing, happiie belated b-dae! :)

Shall sign off now.. Done wif miie bloody long n 'what-some-may-consider-boring' post.. N on a random note, I lurve gingerbread men! Dey r so adorable n lovable! Haha..

N i m so excited dat promos r gonna end soon! Ion orchard on tues since miie paper ends 1 dae earlier den sum! :) Anywayys, until den ppl! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

Thursday, October 1, 2009
11:45 PM
Here 2 post again aft almos 1 wk of MIAing..Haha..Not dat mi life tis wk has been mundane,bt rather,it has been eventful bt i jus couldn't put aside time 2 update..Well the promo schedules r arranged in such a way dat tis wk was lyk paper aft paper on consecutive daes.. =.=

Anyway, here 2 wish our dearest bingqing aka 'ice-cream' a hapi b-dae.. :) All the best 4 ur upcomin 'A's n stay happie n smiley 4eva ya! Its been a long time since we reali spent time wif each oter n its reali great 2 do sum catchin up 2dae.. :)

On a random note,I can't believe i didn't mug hard 4 certain subjects wich i scored better at in the 60% ca wen the paper was lyk the nxt dae..Instead,i was muggin 4 mi weaker subjects..Ok..Strange yeah i noe.. =X

Shall 4go mi original plan 2 mk use of tis break btw the papers (thr no papers tml) 2 do a proper post..The incessant naggings frm mi mom 2 turn in earli deterred mi frm doin so n now dat she is asleep i m jus 2 lazi 2 reboot mi lappy..The phone isn't a user-friendly tool 2 surf the net wif even wif skyfire either.. =.=

Anyway, will b updatin soon n do b prepared 4 a heavy n long post since it'll b over a span of 5 daes..Shall b off now..Nitez n ciao! :)

P.S Apology 4 any typo errors as tis post is onli done wif the phone =X

Jellybeans are loved!


Joanne :D

Either you make it or you break it..

I like new challenges which are just like running marathons..
That's my dream.. :)



Alicia <33
Miaoqing <33
Pearlyn <33