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IMPORTANT DATES! Econs test on price stability: 08/02 MY TWEETS!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Didn't feel lyk posting yesterdae + the dae b4 yesterdae simply coz I was too laziie n beat wif miie revision for the promos.. =.= Anyways, went 2 study in sch 2 daes bak (since its 2am now) n I hav 2 sae it was rather productive.. =X
Decided 2 take on a new route 2 sch 4 a change by taking 172.. Well.. It is a route dat takes a longer time n so I always do not go by dat route wen I go 2 sch every mornin since I m owaes late.. =X Sleep thru the whole bus ride since I didn't get reali get enuf sleep the nite b4.. Den reached sch at abt 8:30.. N I met dat security guard dat gave miie dat attitude face again.. =.= =X Said sumtin about having consultation n made miie way in.. I was lucki dat I dun hav 2 listen 2 his s2pid rants again.. =.= =X Studied all the way till noon b4 alicia joined miie at 1:30.. Dora, hongling, n donghao joined in later.. Anywayys, it was more productive den usual despite takin multiple short naps n walkin out 2 buy snacks every few hrs.. =X Soon aftnoon became not so productive since I was so tired of muggin the same subject 4 so long.. Esp subjects lyk bio wich requires alot of brainpower in memorisin.. Not 2 mention dat fatique was catchin up on miie since I ate so much.. =X So miie n alicia doodled on miie notes 2 entertain ourselves n try 2 kip awake.. Bt 2 no avail.. =.= T T =X Take a look at this.. ![]() I wonder y such a drawin couldn't keep miie awake.. Muz be seriously tired.. So gave up studyin 4 awhile n we went 2 grab a bite.. =X N since alicia wanted 2 drop by in the library, I decided 2 acc her.. N met sum idiot there.. =.= =X I seriously seriously cannot stand ppl hu bloody tok usin the top of their hat w/o tinkin.. I reali pity your poor parents, who gave birth 2 such an idiot lyk u who has no qualms abt behavin lyk a child! Its no wonder no1 wants 2 b ur fren or even b associated wif u! Pls tink b4 you make sum remrk dat would make you ridiculously silly n s2pid! U r really such a laughing stock aft u did the same ting bak den bt u nv learn do you? Toking through your hat and trying to prove yourself when you can't bloody do it! I bet you r a piece of cowardice shit who can't live up 2 what u say! So shut ur fuckin mouth n stop puttin others down when you cannot even prove dat u can do better! I totally lost my initial respect for you back den! I hav been toleratin antics frm u until ur current remrk is miie las straw! Take a look at the mirror! U aren't any better! Or maybe you dun even hav the courage 2 lk at it, u assclown! Dun tink u can bloody go anywhere in life wif dat fuckin disgustin mouth of urs n its revolting remrks! I bet u r a cowardice retarded fuckin moron hu has 2 resort 2 tis! Damn pissed man! I reali detest fuckin childish ppl lyk tis! N I bet dat idiot is not the 1st or the last one dat I mit! Anyway, sry 4 the use of vulgarities.. Jus bloody fuckin pissed! =X N it feels so much better 2 vent it out here.. =X Shall stop rantin now since b4 tis post gets dull n dreary.. N I reali hate childish ppl 2 the core! Jellybeans are loved!
Friday, September 25, 2009
I was runnin late 2dae again n was prayin 4 rain so I wouldn't b marked as late as I was rushin 2 sch.. Bt sumhow was stil caught 2dae tho it was rainin + promos.. Seriously lyk wtf! =X Super unlucky can.. N sumhow 1 of the security guards wasn't in a good mood dat dae n he was kinda sarcarstic in his speech.. Reali piss miie off 2 the max man! N I was onli let off aft listenin 2 a long pile of bullcrap.. =.= T T Irritatin 2 the max! At least miie ez link wasn't retained coz I lied miie way out dat I didn't bring it.. =X
Though I was let off wif a warning in the end, stil super pissed over the whole incident.. Damn! :( Gp paper was oso not very smooth 2dae 4 both papers.. Had 2 tink 4 super long on how 2 argue miie pts 4 paper 1 n had 2 read n re-read the qns in paper 2 in order 2 comprehend the qn..I seriously tink dat this yr's gp paper is way tougher seriously.. In fact, I won't b surprised if it is the same 4 the other subjects..Sumhow, the sch seems 2 b stricter on this yr's batch of students in all aspects, even in terms of the promo papers.. =.= T T =X Studied wif jannah n huishan aft gp paper.. They were discussing econs while I did a bit of bio.. Joined in wen huishan was goin thru mkt failure tho.. N I would have 2 sae she is a reali good tr.. Thanks a lot n I understand better now! :) Anywayys, no papers tml so its supposedly known as our study break.. But I m plannin on goin 2 sch 2 studi since I probably would jus squander awae miie time at home.. =X Shall sign off now n put in your best 2 all takin promos! :) Jellybeans are loved!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Thought for the dae: Instead of focusin on wat we lack, y dun we jus look tings at a different perspective n treasure wat we hav b4 it is gone?
I guess its onli human nature 2 noe the importance of sumtin or sum1 onli wen sum1 or sumtin starts 2 go missin in our lives.. If we treasure wat we hav, make the best of it, at least we won't come 2 regret it wen it chooses 2 disappear frm our lives one fine dae.. At least we knew we made the best of it.. At least we stopped 2 appreciate the beauty of its presence.. So msg, 2 all out thr, appreciate n treasure evritin u hav lyk its the las dae of ur lives.. U nv noe wen it may b taken awae frm u 4eva, nv 2 return.. I guess I m reali lucky 2 hav frens, loved ones n ppl ard miie showin concern 4 miie n I reali appreciate dat.. :) Anyway, enuf of these random tots..Its gp promos tml n I hav not turned in yet.. Neither did I touch anyting 4 gp.. Haha.. =X Its gonna b alrite I guess since I hav been doin tis since las yr n did not reali screw up 4 the subject.. Anyways, dun c the pt of studyin 4 gp.. Its supposed 2 b an opiniated subject, n not sumtin u studi 4 ain't it? =X Dun c y tis yr's batch of muggers decide 2 even mug gp.. Wen it does not even hlp in promotin.. Might as well concentrate on the content based subjects yeah? Ok.. Its no pt blabberin on n on wif miie ideology n sorts.. Every1 shud hav the right 2 tink 4 emselves.. =X Shall get goin now.. Good luk 2 all 4 promos! :) Jellybeans are loved!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Couldn't resist the urge 2 post again.. Lol! =X Anyway, collected miie clax photo 2dae n it was lyk the best picture eva taken.. I mean, sumhow evri1 lks better in tis photo as compared 2 other similar photos dat we took b4.. I highly suspected dat dey photoshopped it..U can c the effect as shown below.. Haha.. :)
Anyways, bak 2 the main pt.. Had a chat wif miie bro 2dae, n I hav 2 sae dat he is reali way more mature den wat I owaes tot him 2 b.. Stil waters reali run deep given dat it is reali rare of him 2 tok abt such stuff n I guess ppl we hav iq hav the ability 2 tink well n collaborate their observations n tots coherently.. Hmm.. High eq is another story tho.. Ok.. Not implyin anyting here if u r readin tis bro! Lol! =X Chattin wif miie bro reali enlightened miie on how different ppl tink differently frm us n therefore react differently.. I guess its time 2 b less superficial n start lookin at everyone beyond the surface frm wat dey appear 2 b.. The assumptions dat we mk upon seein everybodi at the surface.. These assumptions may not even hold n its rather sad dat these ppl r judged n even criticised 4 wat dey appear 2 b on the surface.. Thr r 2 reasons dat miie bro shared wif miie on y a person's reactions 2wards certain tings r considered incorrigible n irrational by the norm.. (I sound lyk a philosopher/psychologist here I noe..) =X Mayb dey shud mk philosophy/psychology a compulsory subject in the education system in the future jus lyk wat miie bro's sch is doin so dat we can understand each oter better.. =X 1. Major moodswings may cause one 2 hav a sudden change in one's emotions, n these r usuali strong emotions.. N wen strong emotions set in, the mind can no longer wrk hand in hand wif one's hart, n all actions would b ruled by the hart instead of the mind.. Tis results in irrational acts.. (Fancy imaginin a person wavin a chopper wif no expression on his face.. It is deemed as irrational n despite his expressionless outlook, probably strong emotions r runnin thru his hart.. ) 2. Misintepretion of one's actions, due 2 assumptions dat we mk wheneva we evaluate the actions of others.. Its lyk we fail 2 put ourselves fully into their shoes, n instead use our feelins 2 evaluate on the reasons 4 their actions if we were in dat veri situation.. Everyone is different n tinks differently.. So wat mks us so certain dat usin our feelins 2 evaluate the reasons 4 their actions would b accurate? In all, wat may seem irrational 2 us, will b deemed as part of their natural behavior since we hav different personalities.. =X Ok.. End of psychology/philosophy theory.. =X I bet its borin the hell out of evri1 readin it bt I jus simply couldn't resist the urge 2 blog it out.. It seems an interestin line of tot.. Well.. At least 4 miie I would sae.. =X Mayb I shud take psychology or philosophy in uni.. Haha.. =X Shall b off 2 sleep now since its 2am now.. Nitez! :) Jellybeans are loved!
Friday, September 18, 2009
I dunno y miie posts hav been comin 2 daes by 2 daes recently.. Simply too laziie 2 update I guess.. Haha.. =X
N I m so happiie dat the prom ting is finalli straightened out.. So much complications dat I had 2 bear another dae of sleepin at 2am.. =.= In the end, nth much happened..We had seriously overweighed the seriousness of these complications..Fancy worryin 2 much! =.= T T =X Anywayys, check this out! Its super hilarious dat sum winners of beauty pageants actuali hav such a poor command of english.. =X I mean, shouldn't winners of beauty pageants hav at least a reasonable command of the language in order 2 live up 2 their titles? Lol! Really puttin our country 2 the shame given dat she is the winner of a rather prestigious pageant.. =X Btw, enuf said, leave u ppl 2 c it 4 urselves.. Haha.. ;) Shall continue wif miie update here.. 17th Sept 2009, Thurs Was again almost late 4 sch 2dae n had 2 cab 2 sch.. Urggh! I reali nid 2 fixed miie seriously screwed biological clock! Fancy havin 3 hrs of sleep evridae 4 3 consecutive daes.. =.= Shall start by going cold turkey.. Sleep 1 hr earlier evridae till I reach the time I usuali retire 2 bed b4 the sch hols started.. =X Mr tan went reali weird 2dae by startin off wif, " I know I m very bad at this, but tell you people, don't jump!" Super stunning to the max! Sum of us were lyk stoning at 1st but those who got it luff'ed.. Den he continued to say sumtin abt not bein the end of the world if we didn't do well n it would be alrite if we reach the finishing line eventually.. Den he ended off his lil speech on life tellin each of us not to jump.. Specifically mentioned each of our names, n ask us not 2 jump n finally saein, "I m very bad at this but I didn't turn out that bad right?"Super funi.. N he continued the econs lessons wif 'sound effects' he himself came up wif as the powerpoint slides were bein flashed.. In fact, he did it until bhavani luff'ed till she cried.. Mr Tan's reali super duper funi! =X N we got to c the pix of mr kwek n his gf.. Lyk finalli! Haha.. He showed us a photo of himself wen he shaved his hair 2 donate sum money 4 sum cancer foundation too! Lol! :D I m beginning 2 lyk most of our trs even more wif sum exceptions.. Haha.. :) 18th Sept 2009, Fri Hmm.. Guess wat? Was almos late 2dae again.. =.= Yes.. Partly coz I overslept, partly coz I was delayed by sum selfish bum hu insisted on gettin her nids fufilled at the expense of others.. Damn dat I had 2 take the cab again! Luckily met wenjie on the way so the cab fee was halved.. Bt stil, hartbroken..Lol! T T N it was the same driver as the one I had yesterdae.. Lol! He muz b tinkin dat I m owaes late n takin the cab as such.. =X Went 2 play the piano at lt5 btw the breaks 2dae too.. N jin tao actuali barged in wen I was playin the piano.. =.= N well.. So you noe.. His usual antics.. Of tokin loads of crap.. =X He began, "Its ok.. Jus continue.." Den he walked awae again.. So I tot dat he would b off n I jus continued playin.. Bt within seconds, he was bak again, askin, if he could c miie score n sorts.. Urgggh! Super irritatin can! He even supposedly tried 2 'correct' miie version of the song dat I was playin.. =.= 2 tink huishan could kip super calm n ans him.. I tried 2 ignore him so dat he would eventually leave us alone, bt 2 no avail.. =.= T T So we tried 2 leave while he tried 2 'correct' wat he deemed as miie mistake in the song.. Den as we left frm the back door, he followed us shoutin, "Hey! Hey! Dun go! Come bak!" I was super frightened can! For a moment, I tot dat he would actuali b chasin us all over the place, 2 all corners of the sch bt thank goodness he stopped at the back door.. =X Goodness! The incident was super scary 2 the max pls! =X Thank god I decided 2 ask huishan 2 acc miie 2 lt5 instead of goin thr alone..2 tink I almos experienced tis alone.. =.= T T =X Ms Liong was reali funi 2dae too by tellin us its not the end of the world if we didn't do well n told us not 2 jump as she passed our recent test bak 2 us..Lol! We didn't get 2 upset over it of course.. Since it wasn't counted in our ca n so we didn't studi 4 wich explains the dismal results we got.. Haha.. I reached miie all time low too.. =X Lol! The trs r so funi lately.. Tellin us not 2 jump n sorts.. 1st econs, den chem.. On 2 consecutive daes at dat too.. Wich tr will b tellin us nxt? Lol! Anyway, shall disappear nw 2 do more preparations 4 the promos! Mug hard everyone! J1's for promos, n j2's 4 'A's! Shall reali b off now.. *Gone* :D Jellybeans are loved!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Blog's been rather dead for quite sometime.. It was either I didn't had the time 2 update or was simply too laziie 2 do so.. =X N this would b the 3rd consecutive dae dat I sleep 4 onli 3 hrs.. =X No wonder I m so tired all the time.. =X Shall start frm the dae b4 yesterdae since its 2am now..Lol! =X
15 Sept 2009, Tues Rushed 2 school 4 nth dat dae.. =.= Lyk wth! Walked at top speed frm lakeside mrt all the way to school.. Super tiring pls.. Not 2 mention I onli had 3 hrs of sleep the dae b4.. =X In the end, thr were mani ppl late n the principal decided thr muz hav been sum jam, n ppl hu were late dat dae were not counted.. Drats! Sprinted the las 200m 4 nth.. Zzz.. =.= T T N our chem tr was in an angsty mood dat dae.. Totally understandable since we were lyk movin up n down, n switchin frm rm 2 rm 4 a total of 3 times.. =.= T T N the weather was wonderfully humid which results in frustration n weariness 4 most.. I had 2 try veri hard 2 kip miself frm dozing off durin her tutorial.. =X N the rest of S28 were in a rather weary state 2.. Let's jus sae, the mood durin chem tutorial was an all-time low dat it got her reali angsty.. Lol.. =X Went 4 lunchbreak wif the S28 peeps.. Lol! Dey noe I m resistin the urge 2 eat ice-cream, bt dey stil bought dat, tryin 2 tempt miie.. Lyk evri1 of em, bought an ice-cream.. I couldn't succumb 2 temptation n bought one in the end.. Lol! So much 4 dietin.. =X Studied wif huishan aft mt lesson.. We didn't tok much, bt I jus cannot focus.. Onli finished 1/2 pages of notes in abt 1hr.. Gave up n went home tryin 2 resolve miself 2 studi, bt couldn't focus again.. Jus dunno wat's wif miie myn this daes.. T T Promos r comin n I m stil not in the rite mood.. Urgggh! Hav 2 psycho miself again! =X I love chem I love chem I love chem I love chem I love chem I love chem! Been tryin so hard 2 do chem 4 the pas few daes bt 2 no avail eva since the las few daes of the sept hols..=X Oh well.. Tis explains psychoticness n madness in miie antics here.. Its self-decievin I noe! =X 16 Sept 2009, Wed Was damn sleepy 2dae till I almost overslept.. Thank goodness dat miie bro woke miie up bt tis exhaustion lasted till the 1st half of the dae.. Urggh! I reali hate miie screwed up biological alarmc clock! =X Slept lyk a pig durin the break aft bio.. No offense, bt bio lessons r the lessons dat mk miie the most drowsy.. Not 2 mention I was rather tired b4 dat.. =X Was abt 2 drag miself 2 maths lect wen the fire alarm sounded.. Yeah.. Had fire drills 2dae.. N wat a nice time 2 hav it.. Wen I was so bloody sleepy.. =X Thank goodness it ended fast while I tried 2 fight the battle wif fatiqueness even thru maths lect.. Used mt lesson 2 catch up on a nap coz u noe.. Haha.. =X N on a random note, the video dat we watched 2dae at the com lab was super funi! Ms Ris Low n her english.. =X Lol! =X Ended the dae of wif muggin wif alicia at sch.. More productive tis time n I finished almos the whole chapt of notes on arenes.. Finally noe sumtin abt organic chem.. Haha.. N mr kwek was reali funi, wen he popped by 2 c wat I was doin.. Super scary pls! I was remrkin dat I didn't understand 2 miie fren.. N wen I turned, he was suddenli lookin over miie shoulder seein wat I m studyin.. Lol! =X He remrk'ed dat he didn't noe much abt chem n couldn't hlp miie n told miie 2 lk 4 ms liong..Well.. He can lk 4 her if he wans 2.. Scandalous eh! Lol! =X Shall stop here b4 I get less den 3 hrs of sleep.. =.= =X Jellybeans are loved!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Jus updated on the impt dates section of miie blogskin.. Tis reminds miie of how soon promos would be comin.. Stressed! :(
I'm not strugglin' 2 promote this time, bt stil, its a sign dat 1 yr is up n a lvs would b approachin nxt yr.. It may seem long bt its not.. =X Managed 2 cover more topics 2dae.. Bt sumhow, the satisfaction of coverin miie revision seems 2 deplete wif each chapt down.. I dunno y either.. Sighz.. =.= T T Tired? Mayb I m.. Sumtimes I dun even noe wat I m aimin 4.. Wrkin' n wrkin' hard 2 reach the finishin line, wich seems endless.. =.= Its lyk wrkin 2 no end.. Sometimes, we jus 4get wat r we wrkin' so hard 4, wen we can put the time 2 relax n enjoy life.. Its reali upsettin wen we constantly wrk hard 4 sumtin wich we dunno its rewards, esp if temptation is up close.. =X N livin up 2 ppl's expectations is tirin 2.. Sumtimes it would b alot better if we r accepted 4 hu we r, n not 4 our achievements.. Anyway, not reali emo'ing, bt jus ritin out miie tots here.. N gud luk 4 promos 2 all! :D Jellybeans are loved!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Proud to say, I have finally completed at least 1 chapt of chem!
*Applause* It may seem like nth 2 most bt a great achievement 4 miie since I detest chem quite a fine bit..=X Had 2 psycho miself into tinkin, "I dun hate chem, I dun hate chem.. I love chem.." Reali silly I noe, bt it wrks.. Lol! Lesson learnt: We muz learn from mr tan n psycho ourselves into achievin wat we wan 2 achieve.. N yes.. Now I m finally in the mood to post sum photos.. Its 2am bt sumhow I dun feel sleepy.. Miie biological clock muz hav gone haywire thanks 2 stayin up till wee hrs of the mornin the pas few daes.. Lol! =X Note: pictures r in random order.. :D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That's all 4 now.. Haha.. Shall go mk a cup of cold chocolate 4 miself b4 I go 2 sleep! <33> Jellybeans are loved!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Its 12am now so I guess wat I m bloggin abt now is rather outdated, coverin the dae b4 yesterdae, n 3 daes bak.. =X
05 Sept 2009, Sat Dat dae sucked 2 the max, wif miie havin 2 wake up on an earli sat mornin jus 2 go 2 sch 4 sum extra maths lesson.. Not 2 mention dat I was late havin overslept.. =X In the end, yanwah called miie halfway wen I was makin miie journey 2wards sch.. Courtesy of mr kwek I guess.. Since the whiteboard was scribbled wif names of the latecomers n the times dat dey would arrive.. N I was the 2nd in terms of the latest 2 come.. =X Stayed 4 econs since I was alrdy at sch.. It wasn't an extra lesson, bt rather a supplementary one 4 us since all of us passed econs n didn't hav 2 come.. =X Kinda useful I tink.. Bt I m jus 2 laziie 2 wake up evri sat mornin jus 2 attend.. =X Haix.. Typical laziie miie.. =X Den home'd wif kevin since kevin was oso in mr tan's clax.. Haha.. N kevin kept beggin miie 2 go 2 c the army exhibition ting.. Sry dat I can't acc u.. I was reali tired dat dae.. =X So in the end, he jus took 172 wif miie n we alighted at the same stop.. He badly wanted 2 explore miie sec sch since it was ard the vicinity.. I didn't wan 2 acc him initially bt gave in due 2 the fact he was super bored.. Kevin! U better b grateful ok! Walked u all the way 2 miie sec sch leh.. Even wen miie miself dun fel lyk walkin thr n visitin, let alone walkin wif u all the way 2 the end at the area jus outside miie sec sch.. Stil pester miie 2 walk 2 explore pj wif u summore.. =.= T T =X N I did all these walkin, wen I was alrdy super tired! Better noe hw 2 appreciate ok! Lol! =X Wanted 2 go jog wif miie bro later bt was 2 tired.. Dat was sat filled wif ultimate exhaustion.. T T 06 Sept 2009, Sun Went 2 celebrate huishan's b-dae 2dae.. Anywayys, gal, happiie b-dae! Finalli turnin 18! Anywayys, dun get 2 excited over bein 18 kaes? (I tink we both noe wat I mean!) Haha.. :D Sry abt not bein able 2 spend so much time wif u on ur b-dae.. I came late coz I wanted 2 surprise u, bt hu noes, u've got 2 go soon.. =X Since the b-dae gal n alicia had 2 leave earli, miie, pearlyn n bingqing decided 2 call off our shoppin plans n go home 2 since it is not veri fun 2 shop ard wif so lil ppl, coupled wif the fact dat I jus walked the whole 1st floor n b1 of jp while waitin 4 their movie 2 finish aft I bought the cake 4 huishan.. =X Took bus 172 wif pearlyn n we did loads of catchin up on each other.. N thanks 4 ur listenin ear pearlyn! I fel so much better.. :) I reali shud learn 2 lk on the oter side of tings.. (bt stil failed..) =X N yes! Huishan! I hope u enjoy the cake 2! Chocolate n coffee! Ur 2 fav flavors, if I m not wrong! N the mouse on the cake is cute rite! Haha.. Anyway, dun even noe, if she will read tis.. =X N thanks 2 walkin ard jp, I tink I hav so much I wan 2 buy now! Better start savin 4 the yr end shoppin.. Haha! Anyway, dat's all 4 now.. Will upload seriously overdue'ed pix nxt time since I m 2 laziie.. (I noe I hav been saein dat since long ago.. Lol!) =X Labels: live for ourselves n not others.. :) Jellybeans are loved!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I m seriously on a roller coaster ride of emotions 2dae.. Started off pretty fine 4 the dae, n got high 4 a lil while n now totally down n drained.. I seriously dunno wat's wrong wif miie lately.. Hav been expriencin lots of mood swingin.. Promo's stress+ fatigue carried frm last nite's lack of sleep I guess.. N I shuldn't b messin ard here! Had better get down 2 business! =X
Slept at ard 1plus las nite coz I was rushin' las min wrk.. N its not miie fault this time.. Las min notice=las min wrk :( Thanks 2 the late notice of the trs, I had 2 rush thru miie wrk.. N its not jus 4 one miserable subject, bt 2.. Damn! :( N got pretty high 2dae jus bcoz Bhavani was imitatin the way our trs tok.. Reali impressin n humorous! We had a great luff abt it! Lol! =X Anyway, I shud learn 2 lk on the other side of tings as I hav promised miself 2.. SEPT HOLS ARE COMING! :D I noe it shud b a time 2 studi 4 our promos, bt finally a long awaited break! :) Reali had enuf of attendin sch tryin veri hard 2 pay attention 2 lects n tutorials wif no avail.. =X Super unproductive, I muz sae.. =X N sumhow I lost the steam 2 mug tis few daes.. =X Will jus tk a short break b4 I go full steam ahead again! Haha.. Tokin' abt the sept hols kips miie happiie.. Now I wanna go ion orchard n go eat at Carl's Jr! :D Sinful indulgence I noe, bt I would probably burn off tos calories jus by runnin a few kilometres given dat miie metabolism is rather high nowadaes n I can eat n eat n eat n stil lose weight.. =X Lols! Managed 2 perked miie spirits up again wich is the purpose of tis post! Bt 4 now, had better disappear off n get down 2 serious business now.. Bye! :) Jellybeans are loved!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
2dae was the audition 4 the selection of vocal groups 4 the prom event.. N the most disastrous part..Miie 2 frens (whose names I would not mention) joinin didn't noe..Until 2dae.. =X Basically, dat means dat dey didn't practise.. At all.. Luckily one of em knew the song lyk the bak of her hand so it would b ok 4 her even w/o practise.. But the other didn't n we only found out abt the audition lyk 15mins b4 the start of it.. =X
Dey found it a pity 2 write their team of the list of participants n so I was asked 2 b a replacement.. Oh well.. =X I didn't reali noe the song well so I was pretty much in a state of frenzy n panick.. Thank goodness dat we actuali found sum excuse 2 push our turn all the way bak such dat we would b the las team performin.. Yeah.. 2 buy time 2 do sum las min practise.. A rather heart throbbin exp I muz sae.. =X I hav nv performed at the las min b4.. Totally nerve-wreckin.. Lol.. Anyway, glad 2 sae dat the audition went rather smoothly w/o any major screw ups.. =X N on a random note, I miss the piano in lt 5! Didn't get 2 play much since dey were usin lt 5 for the auditions 2dae.. :( N I m so caught up wif jam legend! It rawks 2 the max! :) Uh oh~ Had better get off frm jam legend b4 I sink deeper into it.. =X Mayb all of em r rite.. I shud lk at tings frm a different perspective instead..Maybe its the way u see things dat affect ur emotions.. I tink I reali shud learn 2 b more broad-minded.. :) Jellybeans are loved!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I m finally done with miie wrk 4 the dae.. A real great achievement given dat I usuali do not complete miie wrk.. Haha.. =X
Anyway, integration test tml n I hav 2 sae dat integration sucks 2 the max! :( Stil can't reali get the hang of it, aft hrs of practise 2dae.. T T Let's jus hope 4 the best n dat I dun screw up tml's quiz.. Jus the veri las bit of quiz/test dat'll b counted into our CA.. I hope I dun break miie 'A' dat I hav wrk'ed so hard 2 maintain.. =X Hapen 2 catch tis version of Canon in D in youtube by Robin Spielberg n I hav 2 say, its reali amazing n the best I eva heard so far.. I'm tryin 2 learn the song now.. Hopefully, I would be able to polish miie skills on it soon! :) Shall b off now n enjoy! Ciao! :) Jellybeans are loved! |