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Econs test on price stability: 08/02

Saturday, August 29, 2009
7:35 PM
I finally dun hav 2 go 2 sch on mon.. Its fated I guess.. Hees! :D Goin 2 use mon 2 c the dr.. Miie throats been reali swollen n painful tis few daes bt miie voice is not hoarse.. Dunno y either.. Muz b sumtin abt miie diet.. Sighz.. :(

Anyway, on a random note, i came across this list abt gals.. I won't say its entirely true either.. Jus take ur pick! :D

1. Girls hate it when guys say perverted things.

2. Girls like to be told that they’re beautiful, rather than hot, pretty, cute, or sexy. It just gives more meaning.

3. Girls love to feel special, even though they might not show it.

4. Girls talk about EVERYTHING with their girlfriends. So that means, you’re possibly 90% of their conversation. And believe me, trash talking takes up most of it, unless you’re a Greek god, which you’re not.

5. When girls are online, they want the guy to instant message them first, and they literally burn up inside when they’re not messaged. Of course, when they are messaged, they play it all cool and go “oh, hey” as if they just discovered your message.

6. Girls have a thing for guys who dress GQ.

7. Girls love it when guys are over 6 feet.

8. Girls find it awfully attractive when guys wear just a white t-shirt and jeans and yet they happen to look awesome in it.

9. Remember. Sense of humor. GIRLS LOVE GUYS WHO CAN MAKE THEM LAUGH.

10. Girls hate guys with bad hygiene. So put on that deodorant and clip those nails!

11. Girls love guys who know how to dance.

12. Girls love it when a guy pulls them close by the waist.

13. Girls go crazy when a guy smells good.

14. Girls hate cocky guys.

15. Usually, when a girl is sarcastically mean to you, it means they’re attracted to you, but are
afraid that they’ll be showing too much.

16. A kiss on the hand with the right timing can be a REAL TURN-ON.

17. Girls have a thing for guys who sport blazers with a destroyed tee underneath.

18. Girls have a thing for guys who have messy hair.

19. Some girls can think about their crushes for 18+ hours straight. No exaggeration.

20. When a guy says something really sentimental, girls will remember it forever.

21. The smallest gestures, the smallest stares, and the smallest statements could make a girl’s
year. No joke.

22. Girls get embarassed easily, even if guys don’t know what the hell just happened.

23. Girls daydream about their crushes. Like getting married, going on dates, kissing, etc. They just don’t show it.

24. Girls HATE players.

25. Guys who can sing are a major turn on. CAN sing.

26. Guitarists are sexy.

27. When a girl is upset and wants you to listen, she wants you to listen. Don’t give her advice unless she asks for it.

28. When a girl is crying, she feels a lot safer if you pull her close and tell her that everything is going to be alright.

29. Girls love it when guys say their name.

30. Girls don’t like short tempered guys.

31. Sometimes girls just wish that guys would notice when they get a new haircut or if they’re wearing eyeliner.

32. When a girl calls you her loser or her dork, it usually means she’s attracted to you.

33. Girls find it a lot more romantic if you just fall asleep with them holding them with your arms .

34. Girls will never say I love you unless you say it first. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to scream it from the top of her lungs.

35. Girls love confidence.

36. Girls don’t like rock-hard guys. They like to know that guys can have a sensitive side too.

37. There comes a time when girls have needs too. Enough said.

38. A girl will cry over you a lot more than you think.

39. A girl’s wounds can last awhile. And when I say awhile, I mean awhile.

40. Girls hate guys who smell bad.

41. When a girl cooks for you, you know you mean a lot to her.

42. Girls don’t like it when you think other women are hot and say it so.

43. Eyeliner is a girl’s essential product. Don’t ever try to take it away from her.

44. Girls hate it, absolutely HATE IT when guys don’t keep their promises. It throws them over
the top.

45. Every girl fantasizes about her wedding. Her dress, her flowers, her shoes, her hair. More than you think.

46. Girls hate it when other girls flirt. Yet they flirt themselves too. Ah, the beauty of irony.

47. Girls will save instant message conversations when they like a guy.

48. A phone call, a text message, or a single Hershey’s kiss will mean A LOT MORE than a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates on her birthday.

49. Every girl think she’s pretty in one way or another. They just won’t admit it.

50. Girls are VERY SELF-CONSCIOUS when it comes to their looks. No makeup is a very sensitive topic to them.

Anyway, photos will b uploaded nxt time as I m reali reali 2 laziie 2 upload em.. =X

Jellybeans are loved!

Thursday, August 27, 2009
10:05 PM
Nth really bad happened 2dae, bt every little thing seems to piss miie off.. I dunno y its been lyk dat since mornin either.. Super didn't feel lyk coming 2 sch n had 2 practically drag miself 2 sch as I wanted very much badly to sleep in since I was tired lyk nobody's business n the weather was so good to sleep in.. =X

Managed to claim sum mrks the dae b4, wen our tr went thru the bio test wif us which allowed me a pass.. Yeah.. But such happiness does not last..

Sum ppl reali get on miie nerves seriously.. Again cases of ppl who do not know their limits.. Was bloody put off by the scandal dey involved miie in.. I m alrdy in a bitchy mood pls! Urggh! Scandals! Wen will it eva stop? Its so s2pid n childish! :(

N 2 aggravate the whole situation, we had las min notice dat there would be extra maths lesson 2dae until 5.. I like maths yes, bt I was 2 pissed n tired dat the news of havin extra lesson kinda bothered miie..

Anyway, in short it was a sucky dae 2dae though nth reali happened.. Blame it on miie mood.. :(

I dunno y u jus can't put yourself into mi shoes n lk at tings from a different perspective.. U always claim ur stand is rite, is the ultimate, is the bes.. =.= Anyway, u wouldn't care.. Like what you said, its miie who will be bearing the consequences n not u.. So y would I expect u 2 even bother to step in 2 hlp? T T

Life seriously sucks 2 the core! :(

Jellybeans are loved!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
9:33 PM
I dun feel like uploading pictures 2dae so here goes..

Life's pretty mundane without anyting much to say about recently.. Got bak our gp common tests yesterdae and did better den I thought to my surprise.. I thought I would flunk the paper due to the fact dat I almos died while doin it n since tis yr's trs r more strict in their markin.. Secured both paper 1 and paper 2 wif passes of a reasonable margin (though it does not quite apply to paper 1) =X At least thr's improvement in miie paper 1 as compared 2 last yr's.. But somehow I can't seem to hit the 30's range for it.. Somehow.. Sighz.. T T

Met alicia to study 2dae at jw library.. Somehow we owaes mit strange ppl thr..N wen I mean strange, I mean reali strange.. =X I stil rmb'ed how we tried 2 piss dat guy into leaving our vicinity of within 25m radius the oter dae! Man! It was a rather funi exp bt we succeeded in doing it though! :D Shan't elaborate on the strange acts dat he did 2 make us peeved enuf 2 do dat! Haha.. :P

N we met another strange guy 2dae again.. We tried 2 piss him into leaving but failed.. (can c he was gettin a lil frustrated over our antics though.. haha.. =X ) Goodness.. Ppl nowadaes can b reali weird n creepy.. =X

On a lighter note, I m reali looking 4ward to the arrival of the sept hols n the tr's dae hols break! I seriously nid a break frm sch.. Dunno y I fel so tired all the time nowadaes such dat attendin sch is rather unproductive.. I seriously dun c the pt since I dun reali pay full attn in lects n tutorials.. I might as wel stay at home 2 read up ya? Sighz..

Anyway, goin goin gone now.. Random photos will be up next post if I m in the mood.. :D

Jellybeans are loved!

Thursday, August 20, 2009
9:40 PM
Sighz.. Life's really boring.. Nth much to sae here.. I wanted veri much to blog but miie mind became blank wen I came here..So yeah.. =X

Locker's gonna come soon! I noe its reali late yes, bt I m reali excited abt gettin miie locker soon.. Lols! Lyk finalli.. Thank goodness sam didn't get 2 angri dat I asked the tr w/o her knowledge.. =X

N I finalli got miie gc bak frm yiher.. 2 daes w/o it n I jus miss it lyk nobody's business.. Got 2 do wif my lurve for maths I guess.. Lols.. 2 tink I searched 4 her high n low abt the sch, frm the hall to the sch gate jus 2 find miie gc.. =X

Badly want miie pes for maths n econs too! (Though I noe the chance of havin it is veri slim coz I didn't do veri well 4 sum components.. :( ) To tink I was mislead by mr tan into tinkin I hav a chance 2 grab pes n was almos mislead into lookin 4 him 2dae since he asked 4 students wif high 'B's and 'A's in their term 2 progress report 2 c him..Huishan did so n he said he wasn't dat sure.. Sighz.. Waste of miie time.. :(

Met alicia,bingqing n sheuelee at the bus stop outside jj.. Wat a coincidence! N chatted lyk thr's no tml wif yanting n pearlyn went i met them on 172 at the bus interchange..

N the 2 of u.. Dun make assumptions ok! :( Shall sign off now.. Sad, sad, borin life! :(

Jellybeans are loved!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
8:37 PM
Finally every thing straightens out.. Haha.. But I was late 4 school 2dae given the s2pid new policy of including ppl who r not wif the class at mornin assembly as latecomers.. Lyk wth is their prob seriously.. As long as one enters the sch premises at the stipulated time, lyk who cares rite? N the bloody music started earlier 2dae.. I have no idea why too.. =.=

We got bak our bio assignments and test papers durin our 1st period 2dae.. I was rather satisfied wif the results of miie assignments.. However, for the tests, thr is room 4 improvement tho I improved significantly in the common test.. I'm lyk so close to passin pls! Another 0.5 mrks! Urggh! Hopefully, I can dig and search 4 sum mrks sumware in the paper.. Haiix..Y ms lee doesn't wan to give the 0.5 mrks 2 miie? U noe hard I studied for this paper? Many evenings ware I burn the midnight oil to study 4 it.. T T I badly nid a h1 pass to promote unconditionally since miie chem is probably stuck at 'S' for 60% of the overall grades.. =X

Got the locker ting straightened out too tho I felt abit guilty doin it b'hind miie fren's bak.. Anyway, it was a convenient time since mr chai, who was also the maths lecturer for our lectures, asked ppl to see him over locker issues.. Hopefully, the lockers will b rdy soon.. =X

N we finalli met the tr of e-club aft so mani long weeks in failin 2 find her.. Haha.. N yes, I m tinkin of joinin e-club.. I reali hope thr will b vacancies since I cannot tink of anyting else to join n told the pres of co dat I hav alrdy quitted.. 0.0 =X

On a random note, it was reali funi wen miie n huishan were stuck at the com lab from 2pm to 3pm, procrastinating from 2 to 2:30, den 2:30 to 3 n finally slightly aft 3 on lookin for the tr ic of e-club since we were glued to the com screen.. =X What was more funi was the fact dat wen she said las game of hers n vice versa, the other had alrdy completed her 'las game' n decided 2 continue while waitin for her..Lol! Talk abt serious addiction.. :D

Enuf of hangin ard here.. Better go now! Until then.. :)

Jellybeans are loved!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009
8:26 PM
I overslept 2dae bt made it in time 2 sch.. The adrenaline rush n thrill dat comes wif bein able to reach sch on the dot bt yet reasonably far frm dat goal! Lol! I've overslept countless of times but always failed to reach sch on time bt 2dae I did it! Yeah! Mayb thr's spa 2dae dat's y.. Impt dae..Haha.. :P

On a heavier note however, I screwed spa up didn't had enuf time to rite so mani stuff.. 4 mrks gone.. T T =X Guess wat's over is over n done wif, lyk wat kasthuri said.. No pt discussin anymore abt it..

Dat pig oso almost drove miie up miie nerves 2dae.. Seriously! Its ok if you dun feel lyk carrying out your duties properly and sorts, but dun bloody hell impose its ill effects on others.. In this case, dun bloody waste our time, if you dun feel lyk doin your job properly.. Still expect us to waste our time with you? Bloody sucker! Stop bloody expecting us to complete something which you won't bloody spend a single second of your life lookin at!

At least I was left on miie own 2 do miie own stuff despite the incessant naggins frm dat pig to complete miie stuff.. I jus shutted the pig off completely n continued to do mi own stuff w/o listenin to its grunts.. Anyway, pigs can't speak in languages dat we humans can comprehend.. So well.. You know.. Haha.. If dat pig insists dat I complete wateva stuff it would not bloody lk at, jus he/she wait! Dun drive miie 2 far up miie nerves I tell u! Fancy him givin out threats to the others who did not wan their time 2 b wasted by him.. N get ur facts right! Dun bloody giv out wrong threats to the wrong grp of ppl! =.= T T

N I hate ppl who vent angers at others w/o second thought or consideration of their actions.. You wan a punchbag? Jolly well go punch yourself! Reflect on yourself b4 crticising others..You too, have your own fair share of such times where you impose on others equally, if not more! N now you bloody complain? What right do you hav? Bloody gutless sucker!

Anyway, enuf of ranting here n i better get goin.. *Sighz*

Jellybeans are loved!

Monday, August 17, 2009
8:36 PM
The dae started off badly wif a heavy note.. I 4gotten 2 bring miie wallet n almost was late as I had 2 buy the single trip ticket in order to get to school.. Thank goodness that the other train happened to stop jus nice so dat I can board it in time wen I changed the train at jurong east.. The wallet issue alrdy gt miie all panicky till I wasn't in too good a mood 2dae altho I managed 2 reach school on time.. :(

N the principal is goin on n on wif his craps again.. Its long since we've been lectured at 4 such a long duration durin mornin assembly.. In fact, he lectured us until it cut into our lesson time.. =.= Mornin assembly sucks 2 the max man! How I wish the H1N1 epidemic can last longer.. Lol! =X

Luckily dat idiotic pig didn't try anyting funi 2dae.. At the least he left us 2 our own devices as he continues on wif his own stuff.. Another set of antics frm him n he will see.. Muahahaha! I hav sum plan on how 2 deal wif him all set.. :P N I wasn't the onli one hu has his antics gettin on miie nerves.. Lyk seriously! I hav support ard miie too! Lol! N they hav weapons n plans on how 2 deal wif him 2.. Another set of antics frm him n he will see wat happens! Jus he wait! :P

Better get goin now as thr is chem spa tml n i haben studied 4 it.. N i failed 2 kip miie promise 2 miself again.. I dunno y I m so distracted this wk.. =X

Wat m I doin here? Better get gone! Ciao! :)

Jellybeans are loved!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
11:52 PM
Sighz.. Finally got dat lil article done wif hlp frm miie accomplice.. Shall not sae exactli wat tho.. :P I finally can put miie myn 2 rest wif no more -ve tots haunting miie if I m w/o it.. =X

N I m so freakin bloody pissed wif evritin! Thr r jus sum losers ard.. Another fine example of sum1 pushin responsibility again.. Ok.. Fine.. I dun even noe y miie temper's so short 4 the past few daes.. Evriting n evri1 seems 2 drive miie on miie nerves..

I dunno y I m in a bad mood either.. Haix.. T T :(

Jellybeans are loved!

8:54 PM
14 Aug 2009, Fri

Yesterdae was reali funi wif the 09S28 peeps..

"The bum of the bumblebee bumps the bump of the bumper car, which gave the bumblebee a big bum on its bum.. So what happens to the bump of the bumper car?"

Lol! Sum funi n random tongue twister invented by I 4gotten hu.. =X Try saein it fast n the effect is reali hilarious.. Haha..

N chem club wasn't dat bad.. Managed to clarify sum of miie long time doubts abt it.. I hav calculated n realised I nid a 'D' 4 promos to pass chem.. Shouldn't b 2 much of a prob if I wrk hard.. Haha..

I hate it wen a bloody slacker jus rites himself/herself off from his/her responsibility, onli 2 pt the finger at others when tings turn for the worse..Its a norm 4 u not 2 giv a damn, so y do u even care enuf 2 strike now? W/o any warnin n watsoever.. It reali gets on ppl's nerves, wen u jus fuckin not giv a damn n take responsibility and put pointin fingers at others, criticisin em 4 their lack of responsibility.. Jus take a lk at urself b4 ur pt ur fingers at others!

Made the worse sickenin n fuckin decision of miie life bak den! I reali regret so! If I hadn't made this fuckin decision, I wouldn't hav 2 bloody put up wif u fuckin nonsense n c ur fuckin face!

Sry 4 the use of vulgarities bt I m freakin pissed! =X

15 August 2009, Sat

2dae was a rather eventful dae.. However, miie efforts 2 mug was 2 no avail.. N no! I didn't bloody on the com until now..I jus dunno y I m super distracted 2dae.. Muz b due 2 the high activity lv 2dae such dat I can't sit stil wen I nid 2.. =X

Woke up earli to go wif miie bro to the gym.. 1st time.. Haha.. I muz sae dat I dun fel the slight strain at all on any of miie muscles or the slightest fatigue except 4 the 5 mins I spent on the treadmill.. It felt as if I wasn't doin anyting or no calories were bein burnt.. :(

Went 2 swim rite aft dat.. The pool felt rather alien 2 miie since I hadn't been swimmin 4 two yrs.. =X Mi swimmin skills r gettin rusty.. Jus one lap is enuf 2 tire miie out such dat I needed 2 rest n I couldn't hold miie breath in the water as well as I could in the past.. T T N I 4got 2 put sunblock lotion.. God.. I dun wan 2 b tan! :(

We den rushed home to unpack our stuff b4 goin 2 causeway pt 2 collect his phone.. Actuali it was rdy 4 collection on wed, jus that both of us were 2 busi this few daes 2 collect it.. I successfully kept tis lil secret btw us frm our parenz 4 a wk! All is safe now.. Haha.. :P

Thr was this random conversation btw the 2 guys in our clax dat I suddenli recalled which was damn comical!

Gp tr: Brandon.. Read the passage 4 miie..

Brandon: *reads the passage n stops upon seeing the word 'seoul'*

Brandon: Erm.. How do I pronounce it? (Seoul?)

Gp tr: Its pronounced as (soul).. U nv eat seoul garden b4?

Rui han: Cher.. He nv eat (soul garden) b4 he eats (seoul garden)

Lol! Its damn funi I swear.. Gp lessons r owaes so funi n interestin.. Haha.. Thr's oso this long ago funi conversation in gp.. Super outdated I noe.. =X

Gp tutor shows us her fb account wif her photos when she had long hair (She has short hair now..)

Gp tr: I used 2 hav long hair one.. Jus cut it 1 week b4 I came 2 jj..

Us: Cher.. Y cannot c ur hair one? (Photo was taken in such a way dat her hair couldn't b seen)

Gp tr: I oso dunno leh.. Most of miie pictures dat r taken, I dunno y cannot c miie hair one..

Us: Is dat y u wan 2 cut ur hair short? So that ppl can c ur hair wen u take pictures?

Freakin funi la.. N ya.. Better go find miie accomplice now! Shall not sae what we r doing tho.. Hees! :P

N on a random note, I hate bitches n flirts! Shall not rant anymore here as I bet this post is lengthy n grumpy enuf.. =X Bye! :D

Jellybeans are loved!

Thursday, August 13, 2009
9:56 PM
Had so much laughter 2dae.. Its jus so hilarious 2 watch certain ppl.. :P

On a heavier note, I reali detest n abhor ppl who have seriously nth better 2 do.. Dun u bloody hell b'have lyk sum 2 yr old retarded dimwit! U r such a bloody pig who has rediculously low level of vocab.. Know the meaning n existence of a word called 'limit' u pig! Mayb sum trainer 4 retarded kids can educate u on the meaning of 'occasion' too! Jus bloody hell do the rite ting at the rite time n noe ur limits! N dun bloody tink so highly of urself.. U r jus another epic failure, moron n bastard! What's ur ambition does not suit u, n will not suit u.. I won't b surprised if it turns out as an epic failure with many ppl complainin abt u! Jus wait n c!

I seriously hate, detest, n abhor such ppl to the core! S2pid, idiotic, brainless, childish, self-fornicating morons! Grr!

Jellybeans are loved!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
8:09 PM
Bio test was rather screwed 2dae.. More den half the qns given were filled, bt they r mostly bull crap.. 0.0 =X Somehow, somehow I can't seem to link miie content 2 the wat the qns are asking altho I hav knowledge on the parts dat were tested.. T T Oh watever.. =.= Wat's over is over.. I guess we can't do anyting much abt it ya? On the brighter side, the 60% for all our subjects r fully accumulated so I can jus focus on promos without 2 much of a worry.. Any upcomin tests would not b counted in anyway.. Maths test was stil do-able except 4 one killer qn.. I shud b able 2 pass.. Haha..

Gp was reali fun 2dae esp wen zhengyi suggested a commedy 4 us 2 watch since it was somehow linked to our topic on globalisation.. I shall not post the video here bt jus the link here since it has sum rather offensive content (racial jokes n sorts) so jus take ur pick n decide if u wan 2 view it..


Anyway, better b goin goin gone now 2 fufill the promise I made 2 miself..

N u reali scared the hel out of miie jus now brenda! 0.0 =X

Jellybeans are loved!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
7:56 PM
Our chem tutor jus arranged this extra chem lesson 4 the weaker students.. N damn! I was counted in as well.. The worse ting wad dat initially she didn't count miie in, bt decided 2 do so at the veri las min 4 sum reason.. No more free fridays.. No more daes wif earli dismissal.. :(

I guess its miie own fault 4 not wrkin diligently 4 the pas few mths.. Well.. The consequences of miie actions catch up on miie pretty fast.. :( Compared to the oter subjects, miie chem is the one doin the worst.. Out of the whole 3/4 yr of chem tests i taken, the no of chem tests dat I managed to pass can b counted wif a single hand.. =X

Damn! I badly dun wan 2 join the 'chemistry' club (named aft the 'maths' club wich our math tutor gave to his extra lessons to students hu nid extra hlp..) Not to mention I was so super tired 2dae dat I had difficulty in concentratin in all the lessons.. Urgggh! :(

Not bein the end of this at all.. I stil hav bio n maths test 2 mug 4 tml.. Life seriously sucks man! T T

N mayb I shud try not 2 on miie lappy dat often anymore n b online usin miie phone instead.. Its reali distractin! :( Promos r comin n I shuld start preparin 4 it.. Anyway, off 2 mug 4 bio n maths now n shall try miie veri best 2 kip online activities 2 the minimum 4 now.. Ciao!

Jellybeans are loved!

Monday, August 10, 2009
10:10 PM
Hey ppl! I've decided 2 post the photos dat were taken on that veri fateful dae of the manslaughter or rather, I shud sae the phoneslaughter of miie bro's phone.. =X The veri scene of the crime where I dropped miie bro's phone..Lol! =X The place has a rather breathtaking scenary..Anyway, enuf said n I shall now let the pictures do the tokin.. Will b postin sum other random pictures as well.. Haha..

The full view of the park.. :)

Jus look at how clear the water is!

The bear n the pig! (Click to enlarge if you cannot see it clearly..) Neither the drawing nor the signature's myn.. Courtesy of dora! Lol! Cute rite? Bt too cute alrdy.. Onli alicia n dora will noe wat I mean..Haha :P But the focus is on the drawin..

Shall be off now 2 do sum las min maths n sort out sum stuff 4 miie gp file.. Sighz.. I'm procrastinating again.. :(

Jellybeans are loved!

Thursday, August 6, 2009
10:42 PM
2dae was rather fun with the 09S28 peeps! Onli lyk 10 of 16 gals came n so we decided 2 take the chance 2 bond together durin pc.. We ran n luffed lyk sum mad patients hu jus came frm the asylum I swear.. Bt it was super thrilllin n totally excitin! Haha..

I was almost late 4 sch again 2dae n almost did not want 2 come.. But being the good student I m n owaes hav been, I decided 2 come in the end.. Hees! :P Breaks were spent rushin 2 complete miie remainin assignments as I couldn't complete all of them the nite before.. It was a really amazing feat I have to sae.. Fancy rushin thru bio tutorial plus 2 econs essays.. (which one has two parts..) =X Onli submitted one of them to miie econs tutor in the end.. Will submit the other one tml.. Haha..

Anyway, altho dae started fun n excitin it ended of as a bore.. Energy depletion due to too large energy consumption.. Lol! I reali had to fight the urge to doze of 2wards the las e lessons of the dae which included chem extra lesson wen our timetable ended at 4pm 2dae.. T T I wasn't really winnin the battle I would have to sae.. Managed to stay awake bt nth goes in..

Chem lesson made miie dae wen it ended off with our tutor showin us our results for the quiz she jus marked.. I passed! Not a border pass, bt one of reasonable margin.. I wouldn't sae I passed wif flyin colors either.. =X I was totally stunned wen I 1st saw the list that I had to look at it again to ensure I wasn't mistaken.. N if I wasn't wrong, that particular quiz was a last minute revision kinda ting.. =X Hope this can hlp to pull miie grades up frm a 'S' to an 'E'.. Haha..

Lookin 4ward to pizza hut meal tml.. But I dun wan 2 go 2 sch 4 jus a few hrs! *Sighz* :(

Jellybeans are loved!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
8:56 PM
2dae we had surprise morning assembly.. N when I sae surprise, I reali mean surprise.. We haben had mornin assembly for the past 2 daes altho it wasn't pouring.. N 2dae, the music jus suddenli played lyk dat within metres frm the sch gate.. Bloody hell! :( I had to rush in n thank goodness I wasn't late.. Haha.. :D

I also had miie photo taken wif 08A04 too..Well.. I was asked to crash by soleha and jaya so I sneaked out of gp lesson saeing I need to go to the loo.. Lol! Thank goodness when I came back the miie gp tutor was still occupied wif commenting on miie classmates' wrk n so she didn't notice how long it took 4 miie 2 come bak.. Not to mention we were released 5 mins aft I came bak.. Lyk wth.. Lol! :) Anyway, I really miss you guys! Do organise some gathering or outing soon n good luk 4 your upcoming battle! :D

Since I was released, I decided 2 come over to the hall thinkin it was sum graduation ceremony the j2's are havin since all the classes were havin their photos taken.. I went thr onli to find out it was a dialogue session with the principal.. Goodness! Its so weird n awkward walkin in and out lyk dat.. Damn.. =.= T T =X

Sighz.. I m really really tempted to skip sch tml.. I haben done any of miie bloody assignments.. =.= T T I hav lyk one frm each subject that I take with the exception of gp n mt.. How great is dat? N the best part? All of em r due tml.. On top of all dat, thr is chem extra lesson wen we end at 4 tml.. Damn! :( I dun c y the trs can't spread out all the hmwrk n give us a break.. Jus had chem spa trial 2 daes ago n now we have to meet the impending datelines wif onli a break of one dae.. Life totally sucks! :(

I better get goin now lest I cannot complete miie assignments again.. =X Shall go heavy on caffine 2nite so dat I shall not fel the slightest tinge of fatigue.. Bye!

P.S. Photos will b uploaded nxt time since I m reali tight on schedule..

Jellybeans are loved!

Monday, August 3, 2009
10:18 PM
Chem spa trial tml.. It carries the remainin 5% of our marks b'sides ap which would take up the other 5%..I haben even studied 4 it plus the fact dat I nid to do miie maths qns.. GG! =X N here I m still happily playin games on fb.. =.=

Anywayys, I didn't update this few daes as I wasn't in the mood 2 do so.. Too many things just happened.. I went to jog wif miie bro frm cck park all the way to xiao guilin which was located near bukit gombak mrt 2 daes ago.. Haha.. Lyk I m so determined 2 run all the way.. (Only ran half the distance, for abt 3.5km b4 walkin the remaining distance..) =X It was reali taxin ok! So much for being hardcore..Lol! =X

That's not the main point yet.. Miie bro asked miie 2 hold his phone for a lil while n that butterfingers of myn jus let slipped and guess wat? It fell into the lake.. =.= =X Now his phone is a lil screwed.. I was feelin super guilty n bad.. He was mad at miie for a lil while but we've decided to send his phone for repair this weekend.. Thank goodness its still on warranty.. (Its onli 2 mths old.. =X ) *more guilt* :( Our parenz hav yet 2 know about it n we didn't plan 2 tell them..Haha..I bet they will kill miie since his phone is like super new although its still on warranty.. =X

N on a random note, I had to cab 2 sch again 2dae.. I missed the train on the red line at 1st bt I tot I would stil b safe frm the consequences of bein late since the train on the green line actually stopped wen the train on the red line reached jurong east stn and stopped.. But the bloody train took bloody long to open its damn door.. It reversed n I jus realised that the 1st few carriages of the train actually stopped such that it was way past the stn.. =.= N by the time the door opened, the train on the green line had gone.. SMRT SUCKS MAN! Sum inefficient driver..Seriously.. T T

Shall post photos nxt time since I m too laziie and not in the mood either.. *gone*

Jellybeans are loved!


Joanne :D

Either you make it or you break it..

I like new challenges which are just like running marathons..
That's my dream.. :)



Alicia <33
Miaoqing <33
Pearlyn <33